Dictionaries | References ड ड { ḍḥ } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 ड हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi Hindi | | noun हिंदी वर्णमाला का तेरहवाँ और टवर्ग का तीसरा व्यंजन अक्षर Ex. ड का उच्चारण मूर्द्धा से होता है तथा इसके दो रूप और उच्चारण हैं जैसे ड और ड़ । ONTOLOGY:मानवकृति (Artifact) ➜ वस्तु (Object) ➜ निर्जीव (Inanimate) ➜ संज्ञा (Noun) SYNONYM:व्यंजन अक्षर ड व्यंजनाक्षर ड व्यञ्जन अक्षर ड व्यञ्जनाक्षर डWordnet:benড kokड marड oriଡ sanडकारः urdڈ(ड) Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 ड कोंकणी (Konkani) WN | Konkani Konkani | | noun कोंकणी वर्णमाळेचें तेरावें आनी टवर्गाचें तिसरें व्यंजन अक्षर Ex. ड चें उच्चारण मुर्द्धान जाता ONTOLOGY:मानवकृति (Artifact) ➜ वस्तु (Object) ➜ निर्जीव (Inanimate) ➜ संज्ञा (Noun)Wordnet:benড hinड marड oriଡ sanडकारः urdڈ(ड) Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 ड A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi English | | ḍ ड is not a hard D, but a hard and rolling R--a sound formed by the retraction and rolling off of the tongue immediately after its appulse at the palate. This hard and rolling R is sufficiently definite and distinguishable; and it will nearly as ill bear the substitution for it in utterance of the hard and palatal D as of the soft and dental D. Dhed, kad, rad, ghad &c. are therefore erroneous representations of धेड, कड, रड, घड, and Dheṛ, kaṛ, raṛ, ghaṛ, are far more eligible. The two sounds are represented in this work respectively by ḍ and ṛ; but, as sounds are for the ear, hie thee to the speaker. ḍ m f The sound uttered by cowherd children &c. whilst pressing the fingers against the throat. v घाल. See डह. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 ड Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi English | | The thirteenth consonant. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 ड मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi Marathi | | noun जीवनसत्त्वाचा एक प्रकार Ex. ड ह्या जीवनसत्त्वाच्या कमतरतेमुळे मुडदूस संभवतो. HYPONYMY:ड२ जीवनसत्त्व ड३ जीवनसत्त्व ड४ जीवनसत्त्व ड५ जीवनसत्त्व ONTOLOGY:वस्तु (Object) ➜ निर्जीव (Inanimate) ➜ संज्ञा (Noun) SYNONYM:ड-जीवनसत्त्वWordnet:benভিটামিন ডি gujવિટામિન ડી hinविटामिन डी kasوِیٹامِن ڈی kokडी जिवनसत्व oriଭିଟାମିନ ଡି panਵਿਟਾਮਿਨ ਡੀ urdوِٹامن ڈی , اینٹی ریکیٹک وِٹامن noun हिंदी वर्णमालेतील (मराठीतीलदेखील) तेरावे आणि ट वर्गातील तिसरे व्यंजन Ex. डचे उच्चारण टाळू व जीभ यांचाच एकमेकांना स्पर्श होतो. ONTOLOGY:मानवकृति (Artifact) ➜ वस्तु (Object) ➜ निर्जीव (Inanimate) ➜ संज्ञा (Noun) SYNONYM:ड व्यंजन ड अक्षरWordnet:benড hinड kokड oriଡ sanडकारः urdڈ(ड) Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 ड महाराष्ट्र शब्दकोश | Marathi Marathi | | वर्णमालेतील तेरावे व्यंजन . अक्षरविकासः - याचे पहिले रुप अशोकाच्या गिरनार शिलालेखांत सांपडते . दुसरे रुद्रदामनच्या गिरनार लेखांत ( ट सारखे ) ( इ . स . २ रे शतक ). तिसरे अलाहाबाद येथील स्तंभावरील लेखात ( ४ थे शतक ) व चौथे धारावर्ष राजाच्या वेळच्या उडिया लेखांत ( इ . स . १०२८ ) आढळते . पुस्त्री . गुराख्याची पोरे मानेवर - गळ्यावर बोटे दाबून ( घसा दाबून ) जो आवाज काढतात तो . ( क्रि . घालणे ). डह पहा . Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 ड A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | ड 1. the 3rd cerebral consonant (pronounced like d in drum by slightly turning the tip of the tongue upwards ; and often in Bengal like a hard r).ड m. 2.m. a sound, [L.] a kind of drum, [W.] fear, [L.] submarine fire, [L.] शिव, [L.] Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 ड The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | डः [ḍḥ] 1 A sound. A kind of drum or tabor. Submarine fire. Fear. An epithet of Śiva. डा A kind of female imp (डाकिनी). A basket carried by means of a sling. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 ड Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English | | ड The third letter of the cerebral class of consonants, having the sound of D, pronounced far back in the “head”: it is often con- founded in pronounciation with a hard R, or L, sounded as in the Northumbrian bur; it is written in the Roman character D.ड m. (-डः) 1. A name of SIVA. 2. Fear. 3. Sound. 4. Submarine fire. 5. A kind of drum or tabor. 6. A kind of bird. f. (-डा) 1. A kind of female imp or goblin. 2. A basket, &c. carried by a sling: see डलक. E. डप tocollect, affix, ड. ROOTS:डप ड Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP