तन् a in comp. for त॑द्. तन् 1.cl. 1. 10. °नति, तानयति, to believe in [Dhātup.] ; ‘to assist’ or ‘to afflict with pain’ ib.तन् 2. (= √ स्तन्) cl. 4. °न्यति (aor. 2. sg. ततनस्) to resound, roar, [RV. i, 38, 14; vi, 38, 2] ; ([ cf. τόνος &c.]) तन् 3.cl. 8. Ā. P. °नो॑ति, °नुते॑ (3. pl. °न्व॑ते [आ॑- and वि-तन्वते॑, [RV.] ] [AV. xii, 1, 13] ; Impv. °नु [अ॑व and वि॑-तनुहि, [RV.] ; cf. [Pāṇ. 6-4, 106] , Vārtt. 1, [Pat.] ] [RV. i, 120, 11] ; °नुष्व, [RV.] ; Subj. 2. sg. °नुथास्, v, 79, 9; 1. du. °नवावहै, i, 170, 4; impf. 3. pl. अ॑तन्वत, x, 90, 6; [AV. vii, 5, 4] ; pf. P. तता॑न, once तात्°, [RV. i, 105, 12] ; 2. sg. तत॑न्थ [[RV.] ], class. तेनिथ [[Pāṇ. 7-2, 64] ; [Kāś.] ]; Ā. 1. 2. 3. sg. [आ॑-] ततने, [अभि॑-] तत्निषे, [वि॑-] तत्ने, [RV.] ; 3. sg. irr. तते, i, 83, 5; 3. pl. तत्निरे॑ [164, 5वि॑-, [AV. xiv, 1, 45] ] or तेन्° [iv, 14, 4 (वि-) &c.; cf. [Pāṇ. 6-4, 99] ]; aor. P. अ॑तन्, [RV. vi, 61, 9] ; [आ॑-] अतान्, 67, 6; [AV. ix, 4, 1] ; [प॑रि-, वि॑-] अतनत्, [RV.] ; [अन्व्-आ॑] अतांसीत्, [VS. xv, 53] ; अतानीत्, [MaitrS.] ; तत॑नत्, [अभि॑-] °त॑नाम, °त॑नन्, [RV.] ; 2. pl. अतनिष्ट, [Pāṇ. 2-4, 79] ; [Kāś.] ; 3. du. अतानिष्टाम्, [Bhaṭṭ. xv, 91] ; Ā. अतत or अतनिष्ट, अतथास् or अतनिष्ठास्, [Pāṇ. 2-4, 79] ; 3. pl. अ॑त्नत, [RV.] ; तत॑नन्त, i, 52, 11; 1. sg. अतसिpl. अतंस्महि, [Br.] ; fut. 2nd तंस्य॑ते, [ŚBr.] ; fut. 1st [वि-] तायिता, [BhP. viii, 13, 36] ; p. pr. तन्व॑त्, °वान॑; pf. ततन्व॑स्; ind.p. तत्वा, °त्वा॑य, -त॑त्य, [Br.] ; [वि-] ताय, [BhP. vii, 10, 2] ; inf. तन्तुम्, [Br.] ; Pass. ताय॑ते, [RV. i, 110, 1 &] [p. °य॑मान] x, 17, 7; [AV.] &c.; तन्यते, [Pāṇ. 6-4, 44] ; aor. अतायि, [Br.] ) to extend, spread, be diffused (as light) over, shine, extend towards, reach to, [RV.] &c.; to be protracted, continue, endure, [RV.] ; to stretch (a cord), extend or bend (a bow), spread, spin out, weave, [RV.] &c.; to emboss, [ŚBr. xiv, 7, 2, 5] ; to prepare (a way for), [RV. i, 83, 5] ; to direct (one's way, गतिम्) towards, [Nalôd. i, 20] ; to propagate (one's self or one's family, तनूस्, तन्तुम्), [Hariv. 2386] ; [BhP. ii, 3, 8] ; to (spread i.e. to) speak (words), [Daś. i, 87] ; to protract, [RV. v, 79, 9] ; [Kathās. li, 226] ; to put forth, show, manifest, display, augment, [Ragh. iii, 25] ; [Śak.] ; [Bhartṛ.] &c. ( Pass. to be put forth or extended, increase, [Bhaṭṭ.] ); to accomplish, perform (a ceremony), [RV.] ; [VS. ii, 13] ; [AV. iv, 15, 16] ; [ŚBr.] &c.; to sacrifice, xiii, 2, 5, 2; [Kauś. 127] ; to compose (a literary work), [Hemac.] ; [Caurap.] Sch. ; to render (any one thirsty, double acc. ), [Kuval. 455] : Desid. तितनिषति, °तंसति, °तांस्°, [Pāṇ. 6-4, 17; 7-2, 49] ; [Kāś.] : Intens. तन्तन्यते, तन्तनीति, vi, 4, 44 & vii, 4, 85; [Kāś.] ; ([ cf. τάνομαι, τείνω &c.]) तन् m. 4.m. (only dat. , त॑ने and instr. त॑ना) continuation, uninterrupted succession, [RV.] तन्वा तना च propagation, offspring, posterity, [RV.] ([ or त्म॑ना ताना or तन्वे त॑ने (च), ‘for one's own person and one's children’])