दुर्धर mfn. (
1. Difficult to be sustained or borne, troublesome, unbearable.
2. Irresistible, difficult to be restrained.
m. (
1. A division of hell.
2. A kind of drug, commonly Rishabha.
3. The name of an Asura or Titan.
E. दुर् bad, ill,
धर having, possessing; it is also written
दुर्द्धर . दुःखेन धार्य्यते दुर् + धृ-कर्मणि खल् . ROOTS:
दुर् धर दुर्द्धर . दुःखेन धार्य्यते दुर् + धृ-कर्मणि खल् .