Dictionaries | References


   { dhī }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
   See : पुत्री, बुद्धि


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   dhī f S Understanding, intellect, mind.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
  f  Understanding, intellect, mind.


 ना.  प्रज्ञा , बुद्धी , मती , मेधा .


  स्त्री. बुद्धि ; मन ; मति . [ सं . ]


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
धी   1.cl. 3. Ā.दीधीते, &c., [RV.] (cf.दीधी; the forms धीमहि and अ॑धायि belong rather to √ 1.धा; pf.दीधय, °धिम, °धियुर् or °ध्युर्, °धिरे, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [Br.] )
to perceive, think, reflect;
wish, desire:
Intens.देध्यत्, [TS.]
धी  f. 2.f. thought, (esp.) religious thought, reflection, meditation, devotion, prayer (pl. Holy Thoughts personified), [RV.]
   understanding, intelligence, wisdom (personified as the wife of रुद्र-मन्यु, [BhP.] ), knowledge, science, art
   mind, disposition, intention, design (ifc. intent upon, [Kāv.] )
यथा धिया   notion, opinion, the taking for (comp.), [RV.] &c. &c. ( or धिया॑ न॑, according to thy wisdom or will; इत्था॑ धिया॑ or धि॑यः, willingly lit. such is thy will, [RV.] )
   N. of the 5th house from the लग्न, [Var.]
धी   3.cl. 4. Ā.धीयते, to contain, hold (Pass. of √ 1.धा?);
to slight, disregard;
to propitiate (?), [Dhātup. xxvi, 37.]
धी  f. 4.f. for दी, splendour, [RV. iii, 34, 5; vi, 3, 3.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
धी [dhī]   4 Ā (धीयते)
   To disregard, disrespect.
   To propitiate.
   To hold, contain.
   To accomplish, fulfil.
धीः [dhīḥ]   [ध्यै भावे क्विप् संप्रसारणं च]
   (a) Intellect, understanding; धियः समग्रैः स गुणैरुदारधीः [R.3.3;] cf. कुधी, सुधी &c. धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात् Gāyatrimantra; तत्राज्ञानं धिया नश्येदाभासात्तु घटः स्फुरेत् [Vedāntasāra.] (b) Mind; दुष्टधी wicked-minded; स्थितधीः किं प्रभाषेत [Bg.2.54;] [R.3.3.]
   Idea, imagination, fancy, conception; न धियां पथि वर्तसे [Ku.6.22;] ध्यायन्ति चान्यं धिया [Pt.136.]
   A thought, intention, purpose, propensity; इमामहं वेद न तावकीं धियम् [Ki.1.37.]
   Devotion, prayer.
   A sacrifice.
   Knowledge, science.
   (in Horoscope) The fifth house from the लग्न. -Comp.
-इन्द्रियम्   an organ of perception (= ज्ञानेन्द्रिय q. v.; मनः कर्णस्तथा नेत्रं रसना च त्वचा सह । नासिका चेति षट् तानि धीन्द्रियाणि प्रचक्षते ॥
-गुणाः   (pl.) intellectual qualities: they are: शुश्रूषा श्रवणं चैव ग्रहणं धारणं तथा । ऊहापोहोऽर्थविज्ञानं तत्त्वज्ञानं च धीगुणाः ॥ Kāmandaka. (sing.) (नमो) अखिलधीगुणाय [Bhāg.8.3.28.]
-पतिः (धियांपतिः)   Bṛihaspati, the preceptor of the gods.
-मन्त्रिन्  m. m.,
   सचिवः a minister for counsel (opp. कर्मसचिव 'a minister for action or execution').
   a wise or prudent adviser.
-विभ्रमः   hallucination.
-शक्तिः  f. f. intelletual quality or faculty.
-सखः   a counsellor, adviser, minister.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
धी (ओ ङ) ओधीङ्   r. 4th cl. (धीयते)
धी (ओ ङ) ओधीङ्   1. To contain, to hold.
धी (ओ ङ) ओधीङ्   2. To light, to disregard or despise.
धी (ओ ङ) ओधीङ्   3. To accomplish.
धी (ओ ङ) ओधीङ्   With अन्तर, To dis- appear, to become invisible. दिवा० आ० सक० अनिट् .
धी  f.  (-धीः) Understanding, intellect.
   E. ध्यै to meditate, affix क्विप्, the final diphthong rejected, and the semi-vowel changed to its congen- er इ, which becomes long. धै-सम्प-भावे-क्किप् .
ध्यै क्विप् धै-सम्प-भावे-क्किप् .


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
   See : मतम्, मतिः

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