धी 1.cl. 3. Ā. दीधीते, &c., [RV.] (cf. √ दीधी; the forms धीमहि and अ॑धायि belong rather to √ 1.धा; pf. दीधय, °धिम, °धियुर् or °ध्युर्, °धिरे, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [Br.] ) to perceive, think, reflect; wish, desire: Intens. देध्यत्, [TS.] धी f. 2.f. thought, (esp. ) religious thought, reflection, meditation, devotion, prayer (pl. Holy Thoughts personified), [RV.] understanding, intelligence, wisdom (personified as the wife of रुद्र-मन्यु, [BhP.] ), knowledge, science, art mind, disposition, intention, design (ifc. intent upon, [Kāv.] ) यथा धिया notion, opinion, the taking for (comp. ), [RV.] &c. &c. ( or धिया॑ न॑, according to thy wisdom or will; इत्था॑ धिया॑ or धि॑यः, willingly lit. such is thy will, [RV.] ) N. of the 5th house from the लग्न, [Var.] धी 3.cl. 4. Ā. धीयते, to contain, hold (Pass. of √ 1.धा?); |