Dictionaries | References ध धुतीपुती Script: Devanagari See also: धुतीपोती Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 धुतीपुती A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi English | | Washing out one's own intestines. A matter believed to be achieved through the power of योग. 2 Washing and purifying one's self gen. v कर. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 धुतीपुती Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi English | | f Washing out one's own intestines. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 धुतीपुती महाराष्ट्र शब्दकोश | Marathi Marathi | | स्त्री. १ स्वतःची आंतडी धुवून टाकणे ; एक योगसाधनाचा प्रकार . २ स्वतःला धुणे आणि शुद्ध करणे ; ( क्रि० करणे ). [ धुणे - धूत सं . पूत ] Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP