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   { naravāhanadatta }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
NARAVĀHANADATTA   A famous Vidyādhara. Udayana the King of Vatsa had been spending his time in play and pleasure with his wives Padmāvatī and Vāsavadattā, when once Nārada appeared before them. The king greeted the hermit and showed hospitality. The King and the queens were childless. Nārada told them: “Hear, oh King. Your wife Vāsavadattā is the incarnation of Ratidevī blessed by Śiva. The son born to her would become the emperor of the Vidyādharas. Not long after this Vāsavadattā conceived and gave birth to a radiant son. He was named Naravāhana-datta. At this time Kaliṅgasenā, who had been transformed into a woman by the curse of Indra, gave birth to an extra-ordinarily beautiful girl. (For detailed story see under Kaliṅgasenā). That child was named Madanamañcukā. Even in infancy she was surrounded by a halo of unearthly beauty. Hearing of this child, Vāsavadattā brought Kaliṅgasenā and tbe infant to the palace. To the wonder of everybody, the infants looked at each other and they were not satisfied how soever long they looked at each other. The king and his wives understood this perfectly well and at the proper time their marriage was conducted. Naravāhanadatta was anointed as the Heir-apparent. Once he was playing in the garden in the spring season, with his ministers Gomukha and others, when the most beautiful Ratnaprabhā came there. (See under Ratnaprabhā). Once Naravāhanadatta went for hunting with his minister Gomukha and retinue. Somehow or other he was separated from Gomukha and army in the deep forest. Then he heard a divine song and sound of a heavenly lyre. He went in the direction from which the music came. and reached a Śaivite temple. Getting in, he saw an excessively beautiful damsel standing in the midst of her attendants and companions singing and playing on a lute, in praise of Śiva. At this time a grown-up Vidyādhara woman came down from the sky and getting near the damsel, gave her to Naravāhanadatta. The name of the Vidyādhara damsel was Alaṅkāravatī. (For other details see under Alaṅkāravatī). As Naravāhanadatta was spending his days, enjoying the pleasing company of his wife Alaṅkāravatī, once he went for hunting, with his army. Being very tired they went in search of water, and entered a thick forest. There they saw a lake full of golden lotus flowers and four men plucking flowers. Naravāhanadatta approached them. They said that they had been plucking flowers to worship Viṣṇu. Naravāhana followed them to the presence of Viṣṇu. Mahāviṣṇu was greatly pleased at Naravāhanadatta who was standing with folded hands singing praises of Viṣṇu in intense devotion and blessed him to become the emperor of the Vidyādharas. [Kathāsaritsāgara] .


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
नर—वाहन—दत्त  m. m.N. of a son of king उदयन, [Kathās.]
नर वाहन दत्त

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