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   { nirmanth }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English
निर्-√ मन्थ्   or मथ्P.Ā.-मन्थति, °ते, [RV.] ;
-मथति, °ते, [MBh.] ;
-मथ्नाति, [Kāṭh.] (fut.-मथिष्यतिind.p.-मथ्य, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.);
to grind (fire) out of (wood), to produce (fire) by rubbing (wood together), rub or churn anything out of anything (double acc.), [RV.] ; [ŚBr.] &c.;
to stir or churn (the sea), [MBh.] ; [R.] ;
to tear or draw or shake out of, extract, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] ; [Pur.] ;
to shake, agitate (the mind), [MBh.] ;
to grind down, crush, destroy, [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] &c.:
Pass.-मथ्यते (p.°यमान), to be rubbed or churned &c., [MBh.] ; [Hariv.]
निर् √ मन्थ्


निर्मन्थ् [nirmanth]   1, 9 [P.]
To churn, shake, stir round; अमृतस्यार्थे निर्मथिष्यामहे जलम् [Mb.]
To produce or excite fire by rubbing.
To bruise, thresh, beat violently.
To destroy completely, crush down.
निर्मथः, निर्मथनम्, निर्मन्थः, निर्मन्थनम्, निर्माथः Rubbing, churning, stirring.
The wood used for producing fire by friction.
Rubbing two pieces of wood together to produce fire.
Destruction; havoc; ब्रह्मच्छद्मा निखिलभुवनस्तोमनिर्माथयोग्यः [Mv.2.25;] विनिवर्तित एष धीरपोतः पृतनानिर्मथनात्त्वयोपहूतः [U.5.8.] -Comp.
-दारु 1 = 2   above.
a churning-stick.

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