Dictionaries | References न निर्वृति { nirvṛtiḥ } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words निर्वृति A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 निर्-°वृति f. f. complete satisfaction or happiness, bliss, pleasure, delight, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. ROOTS:निर् °वृतिनिर्-वाण emancipation, final beatitude (= ), [Bhām.] (cf.[MWB. 137] ) ROOTS:निर् वाणattainment of rest, [Suśr.] extinction (of a lamp), [Kād.] destruction, death, [L.] निर्-वृत्ति w.r. for 1., [Hit. iv, 6/7] ROOTS:निर् वृत्तिनिर्-°वृति m. m.N. of a man, [Hariv.] ROOTS:निर् °वृतिof a son of वृष्णि, [Pur.] निर्वृति The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 निर्वृतिः [nirvṛtiḥ] f. f.Satisfaction, happiness, pleasure, bliss; व्रजति निर्वृतिमेकपदे मनः [V.2.9;] [R.9.38;12.65;] [Ś.7.19;] [Śi.4.64;1.28;] [Ki.3.8.] Tranquillity, rest, repose; न जातु बाला लभते स्म निर्वृतिं तुषारसंघातशिलातलेष्वपि [Ku.5.55;] [Pt.1.21.] Final emancipation or liberation from worldly existence; द्वारं निर्वृतिसद्मनो विजयते कृष्णेति वर्णद्वयम् [Bv.4.14.] Completion, accomplishment,Freedom.Disappearance; death, destruction. निर्वृति Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 निर्वृति f. (-ति)1. Final emancipation from existence.2. Death.3. Happiness.4. Rest, repose, tranquillity, ceasing or abstaining from.5. Setting, departure, disappearance.6. Completion, accom- plishment, conclusion.E. निर् affirmative particle, वृ to choose, affix भावे क्तिन्. ROOTS:निर् वृ भावे क्तिन् Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP