Dictionaries | References न निश्चेतन Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 निश्चेतन A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi English | | niścētana a S Devoid of feeling or sense; insensible or unconscious. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 निश्चेतन महाराष्ट्र शब्दकोश | Marathi Marathi | | वि. निश्चेष्ट ; बेशुद्ध ; भानावर नसलेला . Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 निश्चेतन A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | निश्—चेतन mfn. mfn. unconscious, unreasonable, [Hariv.] ; [R.] &c. ROOTS:निश् चेतन Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP