Dictionaries | References


   { niṣadha }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
NIṢADHA I   A King born in Śrī Rāma's dynasty. Kuśa was born as the son of Śrī Rāma, Aditi as Kuśa's son and Niṣadha as Aditi's son. This Niṣadha was the father of King Nabhas. [Bhāgavata, 9th Skandha] .
NIṢADHA II   A King of Bharata's dynasty. Niṣadha was the grandson of King Puru and the fourth son of Janamejaya. A great humanitarian, Niṣadha ruled the country to the satisfaction of everybody. [Ādi Parva, Chapter 94, Verse 56] .
NIṢADHA III   A mountain near mount Meru. During his triumphal tour, Arjuna defeated the people of this region.


निषध n.  (सू.इ.) अयोध्या का एक राजा । यह अतिथि राजा का पुत्र था ।
निषध II. n.  (सो. पूरु.) भरतवंशी कुरु राजा का पौत्र, एवं जनमेजय राजा के चार पुत्रों में से चौथा पुत्र [म.आ.८९.५०] । यह धर्म, अर्थ में कुशल, एवं समस्त प्राणिमात्रों के हित में संलग्न रहता था [म.आ.९.५०]


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
निषध  m. m.N. of a mountain or chain of mountains (described as lying immediately south of इलावृत and north of the हिमालय), [MBh.] ; [Pur.]
निषध  m. m. (pl.) N. of a people and their country governed by नल, ib.
   the sovereign of the निषधs (N. of a son of जनम्-एजय; of कुश the father of नल; of a grandson of कुश &c.), ib.
   a partic. position of the closed hand, [Cat.]
   a bull, [L.]
नि-षाद   (in music) a partic. note (cf.)
नि षाद
निषध  mfn. mfn. hard, [W.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
निषध [niṣadha] a.  a. Hard, solid.
-धाः  m. m. (pl.) N. of a people and their country governed by Nala.
   धः A ruler of the Niṣadhas.
  N. N. of a mountain.
   A musical note; cf. निषाद.
-धा  N. N. of Nala's capital.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
निषध  m.  (-धः)
   1. The name of a mountain or mountanious range, forming one of the principal ranges of the universe, and des- cribed as lying immediately south of Ilāvrata, and north of the Himālaya range.
   2. A country in the south-east division of India. 3. The sovereign of Nishada.
   4. A musical note; also निषाद . [Page402-a+ 60] 5. Hard, solid.
   E. नि before, सद् to go, aff. अच्, and irregularly changed to .
नि सद् अच्

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