न्य्-√ अञ्च् 1.P. -अञ्चति, to sink, bend or hang down,
[Bālar.] ;
[Kathās.] ;
to pass away, fade, perish,
[Bhām.] :
Caus. -अञ्चयति, to press down or in
[HPariś.] न्य्-अञ्च् mfn. 2.mf(नी॑ची) n (
fr. नि+अञ्च्) (
न्य्-अक्). going or directed downwards, bent down,
[RV.] &c. &c.
उत्-तान lying with the face downwards (
opp. to ),
[ŚBr.] depressed, deep, low (sound, voice &c.),
ib.न्यक् humble, vile, contemptible (
cf. &c. above)
slow, lazy,
[L.] whole, entire,