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   { paṭahḥ }
Script: Devanagari


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   See : आडंबर


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पटह  f. m. (rarely n. or f(). ) a kettledrum, a war-drum, drum, tabor (acc. with √ दा, or Caus. of √ दा or √ भ्रम्, to proclaim anything by the sound of a drum), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.
पटह  m. m. beginning, [L.]
   hurting, [L.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पटहः [paṭahḥ]   1 A kettle-drum, a war-drum, drum, tabor; कुर्वन् संध्याबलिपटहतां शूलिनः श्लाघनीयाम् [Me.36;] पटुपटह- ध्वनिभिर्विनीतनिद्रः [R.9.71.]
   Beginning, undertaking.
   Injuring, killing. -Comp.
-घोषकः   a crier (who beats a drum and then makes the proclamation).-भ्रमणम् going about with a drum to call people together.
-वेला   the hour at which a drum is beaten every day.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पटह  mfn.  (-हः-हा-हं) A kettle-drum.
  m.  (-हः)
   1. A war-drum, or one used in battle.
   2. Injury, killing, slaughter.
   4. Tumult.
   E. पट imitative sound, हा to quit or make, aff. ड .
पट हा ड .

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