Dictionaries | References


   { paṭu }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi
See : प्रवीण, नमक, जीरा, कुकुरमुत्ता, परवल, परवल, चालाक, चिरमिटा


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English
Clever, able, skilful, dexterous. 2 Smart, sharp, apt, ready.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English
  Clever. skilful. Smart, sharp.


वि.  कसबी , कुशल , चतुर , तरबेज , निष्णात , पट्टीचा , पटाईत , पारंगत , प्रवीण , वाकबगार , हुशार .


नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali  Nepali
See : सिपालु


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English
पटु  mfn. mf(, or वी)n. (√ पट्?) sharp, pungent, acrid, harsh, shrill, keen, strong, intense, violent, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.
smart, clever, skilful, crafty, cunning, ib.
great or strong in, fit for, able to
capable of (loc. or comp.), ib.
त्रि   saline (cf.-)
cruel, hard, [L.]
healthy, [L.]
वाक्   eloquent, [L.] (cf.-)
clear, manifest, [L.]
पटु  m. m.Trichosanthes Dioeca or its leaf, [L.]
Momordica Charantia, [L.]
Nigella Indica, [L.]
a kind of perfume, [L.]
a species of camphor, [L.]
N. of a man, [Pravar.]
of a poet, [Cat.]
(pl.) of a people, [MārkP.]
of a caste, [VP.]
पटु  n. m.n. a mushroom, [L.]
पटु  n. n. salt, pulverized , [L.]


पटु [paṭu] a.  a. (टु or ट्वी f.; compar. पटीयस्, superl. पटिष्ठ)
Clever, skilful, dexterous, proficient; पाटीर तव पटीयान् कः परिपाटीमिमामुरीकर्तुम् Jagannātha; cf. also अघटितघटना- पटीयसी; (usually with a loc.) वाचि पटुः &c.
Sharp, acrid, pungent.
Sharp, smart (as intellect), intelligent.
Violent, strong, sharp, intense; अयमपि पटुर्धारासारो न बाणपरंपरा [V.4.1;] [U.4.3.]
Shrill, clear, sharp-sounding; किमिदं पटुपटहशङ्खमिश्रो नान्दीनादः [Mu.6;] पटुपटहध्वनिभिर्विनीतनिद्रः [R.9.71,73;] [Māl.5.4.]
Apt, disposed; स्मर्तुमधिगतगुणस्मरणाः पटवो न दोषमखिलं खलूत्तमा; [Śi. 15.43.]
Harsh, cruel, hard-hearted.
Sly, cunning, crafty, roguish.
Healthy, sound; मृदुसूर्याः सुनीहाराः पटुशीताः समाहिताः (शून्यारण्याः) [Rām.3.16.12.]
Active, busy.
Eloquent, talkative,
Blown, expanded.
Hard, rough, fierce.
Contumelious (as a speech).-टुः,
-टु  n. n. A mushroom (छत्रा). n
-टु  . . Salt. -Comp.
-करण a.  a. having sound organs.
-कल्प, -देशीय a.  a. Pretty clever, tolerably sharp.
-घण्टा   a shrill bell; Mb.-तृणम्
-तृणकम्   a kind of pungent grass.
-त्रयम्   a collection of three salts (Mar. सैंधव, बिडलोण व संचळखार).-मति a. clever-minded.
-रूप a.  a. very clever.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English
पटु  mfn.  (-टुः-ट्वी-टु)
1. Clever, dexterous, skilful.
2. Diligent.
3. Smart, sharp.
4. Hale, healthy.
5. Warm, hot.
6. Blown, ex- panded.
7. Cruel, ferocious, unmerciful, unfeeling.
8. Harsh, contumelious, (speech, &c.)
9. Fraudulent, crafty, a rogue or cheat.
10. Loquacious, talkative.
 m.  (-टुः)
1. A small kind of [Page415-a+ 60] cucumber. (Trichosanthes diœca.)
2. The leaf of the Trichosanthes. n. (-टु)
1. Salt.
2. A mushroom.
E. पट
r. 10th cl. to speak, &c. Unādi aff. डु, and the radical vowel shortened. or पट-उन् .


See : चतुर, निरामय

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