Dictionaries | References


   { paras }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
परस्  n. ind. beyond, further, off, away
   in future, afterwards
   (as prep. with acc.) on the other side of, beyond, higher or more than
पर एना   (with instr.) id. (also or एना॑ पर॑)
एना परः   (with abl.) beyond, on the other side of (also )
   exclusive of, except, without
त्रिंशति त्रयस् परः   (with loc.) over, more than (only , three more than thirty i.e. 33), [RV.] ; [VS.] ; [AV.] ; [ŚBr.]
परः   (often in comp. with numerals to express a surplus or superiority; cf.prec. and under ).


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
परस् [paras]   ind. (Rarely used by itself in classical Sanskrit)
   Beyond, further, more than; परोरजः सवितुर्जातवेदः [Bhāg.5.7.14.]
   On the other side of.
   Far away, at a distance
   With the exception of.
   Ved. In future, afterwards. -Comp.
-कृष्ण a.  a. very black.-पुंसा Ved. a woman not satisfied with her husband (and therefore seeking for a paramour).
-पुरुष a.  a. higher than a man.
-शत a.  a. more than a hundred; स जवेन पतन् परःशतानां पततां ब्रात इवारवं वितेने [Ki.13.26;] [Śi. 12.5.]
-श्वस्   ind. the day after tomorrow.
-सहस्र a.  a. more than a thousand; परःसहस्राः शरदस्तपांसि तप्त्वा [U. 1.15;] परःसहस्रैः पिशाचैः [Mv.5.17.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
परस्   ind. Beyond, further, more than, on the other side of, &c. (Not used by itself in classical Sanskrit.)
   E. पर, पञ्चम्याद्यर्थे बा असि .
पर पञ्चम्याद्यर्थे बा असि .

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