पिच्छिल mfn. subst. (
1. Sauce mixed with rice gruel.
2. Sauce, gravy, or condiments with water or Ghee.
3. Broth, soup. 4. Moist, and split pulse.
f. (
1. The silk cotton tree, (Bombax heptaphyllum.)
2. A potherb, (Basella rubra and lucida.)
5. A timber tree, (Dalbergia Sisu.)
4. The name of a river.
5. An esculent root, (Arum Indicum.)
6. Lubricous, slippery, smeary.
m. (
-लः) The tamarisk, (Tamarix Indica.)
mfn. adj. (
-लः-ला-लं) Having a tail.
E. पिच्छा rice water, scum, &c. and
इलच् aff.