Dictionaries | References


   { pūrṇa }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
PŪRṆA I   A serpent born of the family of Vāsuki. it was burnt to death at the Sarpasatra of Janamejaya. [Śloka 2, Chapter 57, Ādi Parva] .
PŪRṆA II   A Devagandharva born to Kaśyapa of his wife Pradhā. [Chapter 65, Ādi Parva] .


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
 adjective  बिना किसी खराबी या दोष के जो अपने आप में पूरा हो   Ex. एक पूर्ण कहानी सुनाइए । / एक पूर्ण गोला बनाइए ।
गुणसूचक (Qualitative)विवरणात्मक (Descriptive)विशेषण (Adjective)
kasمُکمل , پورٕ
urdمکمل , کامل , پورا
 adjective  जिसमें सूर्य या चंद्रमा का पिंड पूरी तरह से ढक जाता है   Ex. आज पूर्ण सूर्यग्रहण है ।
गुणसूचक (Qualitative)विवरणात्मक (Descriptive)विशेषण (Adjective)
   see : संपादित, परिपूर्ण, कुल


कोंकणी (Konkani) WN | Konkani  Konkani |   | 
 adjective  कसलीच आडखळ वा बिगाड जाय नासतना पुराय जालां अशें   Ex. एक पूर्ण काणी सांग / एक पूर्ण गुळो कर
गुणसूचक (Qualitative)विवरणात्मक (Descriptive)विशेषण (Adjective)
kasمُکمل , پورٕ
urdمکمل , کامل , پورا
 adjective  जातूंत सुर्याचो वा चंद्राचो पिंड पुराय तरेन धांपला अशें   Ex. आयज पूर्ण सूर्यगिराण
गुणसूचक (Qualitative)विवरणात्मक (Descriptive)विशेषण (Adjective)
   see : पुराय, सामकें, पुराय, पुराय, वट्ट, पुरायपणान, पुराय


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   full, filled, complete, perfect, entire; deficient in no quantity, part, or member. used lit. fig. 2 perfect, adept, thoroughly versed and skilled in.
   pūrṇa n S The name of the cipher applied in almanacks &c. to denote the absence or total want of any particular division among the divisions or distinguished portions of time. Ex. आ- दित्वारीं षष्ठी पूर्ण घटिका पांच पलें. On sunday the sixth, घटिका wanting, five पलें.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
   full. perfect. adept.


 वि.  पुरता , भरलेला , सगळा , सर्व ;
 वि.  शेवटास गेलेले , सफल .


मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi  Marathi |   | 


नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali  Nepali |   | 
 adjective  जसको क्रम सही छ   Ex. यो उनको पूर्ण रचना हो
गुणसूचक (Qualitative)विवरणात्मक (Descriptive)विशेषण (Adjective)
   see : समाप्त, परिपूर्ण, पुरै


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पूर्ण  mfn. mfn. filled, full, filled with or full of (instr. or gen. or comp.), [RV.] &c. &c.
   abundant, rich, [Kāv.]
   fulfilled, finished, accomplished, ended, past, [ŚāṅkhGṛ.] ; [MBh.] ; [R.] &c.
   concluded (as a treaty), [Rājat.]
   complete, all, entire, [ŚāṅkhBr.] ; [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.
   satisfied, contented, [R.]
   (end of a compound.*">ifc.) perfectly familiar with, [Hcat.]
   drawn, bent to the full (as a bow), [MBh.] ; ---12---
दीप्त   (in augury) full-sounding, sonorous and auspicious (said of the cry of birds and beasts, opp. to q.v.)
   uttering this cry, [VarBṛS.]
   strong, capable, able, [L.]
   selfish, self-indulgent, [W.]
पूर्ण  m. m. a partic. form of the sun, [Cat.]
   a kind of tree, [R.]
   (in music) a partic. measure
   also title or epithet).">N. of a नाग, [MBh.]
   of a देव-गन्धर्व, ib.
   of a buddhist ascetic, [Lalit.]
पूर्ण  n. n. fulness, plenty, abundance, [AV.] ; [TS.]
पूर्ण  m. m. water, [Naigh. i, 12]
   the cipher or figure 0 [Gaṇit.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पूर्ण [pūrṇa] p.p. p.  p. p. [पुर्-क्त नि˚]
   filled, filled with, full of; opt. in comp; तं तथा कृपयाविष्टमश्रुपूर्णाकुलेक्षणम् [Bg.2.1;] so शोक˚, जल˚ &c.
   whole, full, entire, complete; पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदं पूर्णात् पूर्णमुदच्यते Īśop.1; अपूर्णमेकेन शतक्रतूपमः [R.3.38.]
   fulfilled, accomplished.
   ended, completed.
   past, elapsed.
   satisfied, contented.
   full-sounding, sonorous.
   strong, powerful.
   selfish, or self-indulgent.
   drawn, bent (as a bow) आकर्णपूर्णै- रहनदाक्षेपैराहतं पुनः [Bhāg.8.11.1.]
   Allpervading; पूर्णमप्रवर्तीति वा अहमेतमुपास [Bṛi. Up.2.1.5;] [Mb.14.2.28.]
   र्णा An epithet of the fifteenth digit of the moon.
  N. N. of the fifth, tenth, and fifteenth lunar days ortithis.
-र्णम्   Ved.
   abundance, plenty.
-अङ्कः   an integer.
-अञ्जलिः   two handfuls.-अभिलाष a. satisfied, contented.
-अभिषिक्ताः   a particular sect of the Śāktas.
-अभिषेकः   a kind of अभिषेकः known in tantraśāstra as belonging to कौलपन्थ.
-अमृता   epithet of the sixteenth digit of the moon.
-अवतारः  N. N. of the fourth, seventh and eighth incarnations of Viṣṇu.
   आनकम् a drum.
   the sound of a drum.
   a vessel.
   a moon-beam.
   = पूर्णपात्र q. v.; (sometimes read पूर्णालक also).
-आनन्दः   the supreme being.-आश a. one whose all desires are fulfilled; पूर्णाशा बहवः कृता वितरणैर्येन त्वया याचकाः
-आहुतिः  f. f. an offering made with a full ladle; पूर्णाहुतिभिरापूर्णास्त्रिभिः पूर्यन्ति तेजसा [Mb.14.2.28.]
-इन्दुः   the full moon.
-उत्सङ्ग a.  a. far advanced in pregnancy.
-उपमा   a full or complete simile, i. e. one in which the four requisites उपमान, उपमेय, साधारणधर्म and उपमाप्रतिपादक are all expressed; (opp. लुप्तोपमा); e. g. अम्भोरुहमिवाताम्नं मुग्धे करतलं तव; see K. P.1 under उपमा.
-ककुद a.  a. full-humped.
-काम a.  a. one whose desires are fulfilled, satisfied, contented. (-मः) N. of the supreme being.
   कुम्भः a full jar.
   a vessel full of water; (placed at the door as an auspicious mark); पूर्णकुम्भौ चक्रवाकानुकारौ पयोधरौ [DK.1.1.]
   a particular mode of fighting; बाहुपाशादिकं कृत्वा पादाहत- शिरावुभौ । उरोहस्तं ततश्चक्रे पूर्णकुम्भौ प्रयुज्य तौ ॥ [Mb.2.23.14] (com. ग्रथिताङ्गुलिभ्यां हस्ताभ्यां पदशिरसः पीडनं पूर्णकुम्भः).
   a hole (in a wall) of the shape of a water-jar; तदत्र पक्वेष्टके पूर्णकुम्भ एव शोभते [Mk.3.]
-पर्वेन्दु  f. f. the day of full moon.
   पात्रम् a full cup or jar.
   a cup-ful.
   a measure of capacity (equal to 256 handfuls); (अष्टमुष्टि भवेत् किञ्चित् किञ्चिदष्टौ तु पुष्कलम् । पुष्कलानि तु चत्वारि पूर्णपात्रं प्रचक्षते ॥); पूर्णपात्रमयीमाहुः पाकयज्ञस्य दक्षिणाम् [Mb.12.6.38.]
   a vessel (or a box or basket) filled with valuable things (such as clothes, ornaments &c.) and scrambled for by servants or relatives on festive occasions or distributed as presents; hence, the word is often used to denote 'a present made to one who brings a happy news'; कदा मे तनयजन्ममहोत्सवानन्दनिर्भरो हरिष्यति पूर्णपात्रं परि- जनः [K.62,7,73,165;] सखीजनेनापह्रियमाणपूर्णपात्रम 299; तत् कामं प्रभवति पूर्णपात्रवृत्त्या स्वीकर्तुं मम हृदयं च जीवितं[Māl. 4.1;] किं पूर्मपात्रस्य न पात्रमासीत् Rām. champū. (पूर्णपात्र is thus defined: हर्षादुत्सवकाले च यदलंकारांशुकादिकम् । आकृष्य गृह्यते पूर्णपात्रं स्यात् पूर्णकं च तत् ॥ or वर्धापकं यदानन्दादलंकारा- दिकं पुनः ॥ आकृष्य गृह्यते पूर्णपात्रं पूर्णानकं च तत् ॥ Hārāvalī).
   a vessel full of rice presented to the priests at the end of the sacrifice.
-प्रज्ञ a.  a. one whose prajñā is fully developed.
-ज्ञः  N. N. of Madhava, the founder of a kind of Vaiṣṇava cult.
-बी (वी) जः   the citron. -मानसa. contented.
-मास्  m. m.
   the sun.
   the moon. (-f.) the day of full moon.
   मासः the moon.
   a monthly sacrifice performed on the day of full moon; (comprising the आग्नेय, अग्नीषोमीय and उपांशुयाज sacrifices); कानि पुनर्दर्शपूर्णमासशब्दकानि । येषां वचने पौर्णमासीशब्दोऽमावास्य- शब्दो वा आग्नेयादीनि तानि ॥ ŚB. on ---12---
-मासी   the day of full moon.
-रथः   a complete warrior.
-वपुस् a.  a. full (the moon).
-होमः = पूर्णाहुतिः   q. v.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पूर्ण   r. 10th cl. (पूर्णयति-ते) To accumulate, to collect or heap together.
पूर्ण  mfn.  (-र्णः-र्णा-र्णं)
   1. full, filled, complete.
   2. all, entire.
   3. strong, powerful, able.
   4. selfish, self-indulgent.
  f.  (-र्णा)
   1. fifth, tenth, or fifteenth day of the half month.
   2. full moon.
   E. पूर् to be full, aff. क्त, form irr.
पूर् क्त
पूर्ण(वी)बीज  m.  (-जः) The citron.
पूर्ण(वी)बीज   E. पूर्ण, and बीज seed.
पूर्ण बीज


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 

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