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   { praṇī }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
प्र-णी   a (√ नी) P.Ā.-णयति, °ते to lead forwards, conduct, advance, promote, further, [RV.] &c. &c.;
to bring or lead to, convey (esp. the sacrificial fire or water or सोम to its place at the altar), ib.;
to offer, present, [Bhaṭṭ.] ;
to produce, perform, execute, finish, [Up.] ; [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.;
to do away with, remove, dispel, [MBh.] ;
to manifest affection, love, desire, [MBh.] ;
to show, represent (a drama), [Bālar.] ; [Prasannar.] ;
to inflict (as punishment), [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.;
to apply (as a clyster), [Car.] ;
to establish, fix, institute, promulgate, teach, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.;
to write, compose, [Sarvad.] ;
(Ā.) to draw in (the breath), [ŚBr.] :
Desid.-निनीषति (!), to wish to lead or conduct, [RV.]
प्र णी
प्र-णी  m. bm. a leader or guide, [TBr.]
प्र णी
प्र-णी  f. f. guidance, furtherance, devotion (?), [RV. iii, 38, 2.]
प्र णी


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
प्रणी [praṇī]   1 [P.]
   To lead or forth (as an army), conduct; वानरेन्द्रेण प्रणीतेन (बलेन) [Rām.]
   To offer, give, present; अर्घ्यं प्रणीय जनकात्मजा [Bk.5.76.]
   To bring to, set (as fire); दग्धां गुहां पश्य उलूकपूर्णां काकप्रणीतेन हुताशनेन [Pt.3.1.]
   To consecrate by reciting sacred Mantras, hallow, consecrate in general; त्रिधा प्रणीतो ज्वलनः [Hariv.]
   To inflict (as punishment); यदि न प्रणयेद् राजा दण्डं दण्ड्येष्वतन्द्रितः [Ms.7.2;8.238;] [Mb.1.64.15.]
   To lay down, teach, promulgate, institute, prescribe; स एव धर्मो मनुना प्रणीतः [R.14.67;] भवत्प्रणीतमाचारमामनन्ति हि साधवः [Ku.6.31.]
   To write, compose (as a work); प्रणीतः न तु प्रकाशितः [U.4;] उत्तरं रामचरितं तत्प्रणीतं प्रयुज्यते [U.1.3.]
   To accomplish, effect, perform, bring about; प्रणीय दारिद्र्यदरिद्रतां नृपः [N.1.15.19;] कण्ठाश्लेषोपगूढं तदपि च न चिरं यत् प्रियाभिः प्रणीतम् [Bh.3.82.]
   To lead or reduce to any condition.
   To show, display; यद्यद्धिया त उरुगाय विभावयन्ति तत्तद्वपुः प्रणयसे सदनुग्रहाय [Bhāg.3.9.11.]
   To direct, fix or turn towards (as the eyes).
   To show affection or love, love.
   To throw, cast, discharge; अस्त्रं पुनः पाशमृतः प्रणिन्ये [Ki.16.54.]
   To remove, destroy; द्रौपद्याश्च परिक्लेशं प्रणेष्यामि हते त्वयि [Mb.6.79.4.]
   To draw in the breath (Ātm.).
प्रणी [praṇī] a.  a. maker, fashioner; सायंतनीं तिथिप्रण्यः; [Bk.5.65.] (तिथिप्रणी the moon.)

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