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   { prapad }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
प्र   1.-√ 2.पद्Ā.-पद्यते (ep. also P.), to fall or drop down from (abl.), throw one's self down (at a person's feet), [MBh.] ;
to go forwards set out for, resort to, arrive at, attain, enter (with acc., rarely loc.), [AV.] &c. &c.;
to fly to for succour, take refuge with (acc.), [TS.] &c. &c.;
to fall upon, attack, assail, [RV.] ; [AV.] ;
to come to a partic. state or condition, incur, undergo (acc.), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.;
(with an adv. in सात्), to become e.g.सर्पसात् प्र-√ पद्, to bec° a serpent, [Bhaṭṭ.] ;
to obtain, gain (पतिनि, ‘as husband’), partake of, share in (acc.), ib.;
to adopt or embrace (a doctrine), [Rājat.] ;
to undertake, commence, begin, do, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] ;
to form (a judgement), [MBh.] ;
to assume (a form), [Kathās.] ;
to enjoy (pleasure), [R.] ;
to take to (dat.), [Hariv.] ;
to come on, approach, appear, [AV.] ; [R.] ; [Hariv.] ;
to take effect, succeed, [MBh.] ;
to turn out (अन्यथा, ‘differently’ i.e. without any effect or consequence), [Hariv.] ;
to admit (a claim), [R.] :
Caus.-पादयति, °ते, to cause to enter, introduce into (acc. or loc.), [Br.] :
Desid.P.पि॑त्सति, to wish to enter, [ŚBr.] ;
Ā.-पित्सते (cf.[Pāṇ. 7-4, 54] ), to be going to incur or undertake, [Daś.]
प्र-पद्  f. 2.f. away, [AitBr.]
प्र पद्
   N. of partic. sacred texts, [Br.] ; [GṛŚrS.]
प्र-पद्  f. 3.f. (fr.3.पद्) the fore part of the foot, [AV.]
प्र पद्


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
प्रपद् [prapad]   4 Ā.
   To enter upon, set forward, set foot in.
   (a) To go to or towards, approach, resort or attain to, reach; तां जन्मने शैलवधूं प्रपेदे [Ku.1.21;] (क्षितीशं) कौत्सः प्रपेदे वरतन्तुशिष्यः [R.5.1;] [Bk.4.1;] [Ki.1.9;11.] 16; [R.8.11.] (b) To take shelter or refuge with, flee to for safety, submit; शरणार्थमन्यां कथं प्रपत्स्ये त्वयि दीप्यमाने [R.14.64.]
   To go or come to a particular state, arrive at, attain to, arrive at or be in a particular condition; रेणुः प्रपेदे पथि पङ्कभावम् [R.16.3;] मुहूर्तकर्णोत्पलतां प्रपेदे [Ku.7.81;] बाल्यात्परं साथ वयः प्रपेदे [Ku.1.31;5.24;] ईदृशीमवस्थां प्रपन्नोस्मि [Ś.5;] ऋषिनिकरैरिति संशयः प्रपेदे [Bv.4.33;] [Amaru.3.]
   To get, find, secure, obtain, attain to; partake of, share in; सहकार न प्रपेदे मधुपेन भवत्समं जगति [Bv.1.21;] कान्तं वपुर्व्योमचरं प्रपेदे [R.5.51.]
   To behave or act towards, deal with; किं प्रपद्यते वैदर्भः M.1 'what does he propose to do'; पश्यामो मयि किं प्रपद्यते [Amaru.24.]
   To admit, allow, agree or consent to; प्रपन्नं साधयन्नर्थम् [Y.2.4.]
   To draw near, come on, approach (as time &c.).
   To be going on, to proceed.
   To take effect, thrive, prosper.
   To throw oneself down, fall down (at another's feet).
   Ved. To attack, assault.


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
   See : स्वीकृ, आपद्, प्रविश्

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