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   { prau }
Script: Devanagari


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
प्रौ [prau] प्रो [prō] ढिः [ḍhiḥ]   (प्रो) ढिः f.
   Full growth or development, maturity, perfection; एवं वीक्ष्य तवाविवेकमपि च प्रौढिं परामुन्नतेः Jagannātha.
   Growth, increase.
   Greatness, grandeur, elevation, dignity; प्रौढिप्रकर्षेण पुराणरीतिव्यतिक्रमः श्लाघ्यतमः पदानाम् [Vikr.1.15.]
   Boldness, audacity; प्रासपाशधनुर्बाणधारिणः प्रौढिकारिणः [Śiva. B.26.3.]
   Pride, arrogance, self-confidence.
   Controversy, discussion.
   Zeal, exertion, enterprize.
   Earnestness, profundity (of character); हास्यप्रौढिमजानन्त्याः करुणः सोऽन्व- कम्पत [Bhāg.1.6.25.]
   Comp. वादः a grandiloquent or pompous speech.
   a bold assertion.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
प्रौ(प्रो)ढ  mfn.  (-ढः-ढा-ढं)
प्रौ(प्रो)ढ   1. Full-grown.
प्रौ(प्रो)ढ   2. Confident, bold, arrogant.
प्रौ(प्रो)ढ   3. Impudent.
प्रौ(प्रो)ढ   4. Full-grown, (as the moon.)
प्रौ(प्रो)ढ   5. Thick, heavy, (darkness, &c.)
प्रौ(प्रो)ढ   6. Forward, (as the hand to seize any thing.)
प्रौ(प्रो)ढ   7. Raised, lifted up.
प्रौ(प्रो)ढ   8. Controverted.
प्रौ(प्रो)ढ   9. Old.
प्रौ(प्रो)ढ   10. Married.
प्रौ(प्रो)ढ  f.  (-ढा)
प्रौ(प्रो)ढ   1. A woman from thirty years of age to fifty-five.
प्रौ(प्रो)ढ   2. A description of the Nāyikā or mistress, a woman whose feelings are violent or impetuous, or one who is not in any awe of her lover or husband.
प्रौ(प्रो)ढ   E. प्र before, वह to bear, aff. क्त .
प्र वह क्त .
प्रौ(प्रो)ढपाद  m.  (-दः) One who sits with his feet upon a seat.
प्रौ(प्रो)ढपाद   E. प्रौढ raised and पाद the foot.
प्रौढ पाद
प्रौ(प्रो)ढि  f.  (-ढिः)
प्रौ(प्रो)ढि   1. Enterprise, zeal, confident or audacious exertion. 2. Investigation, controversy, discussion.
प्रौ(प्रो)ढि   E. प्र before, वह् to bear, aff. क्तिन्.
प्र वह् क्तिन्

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