Dictionaries | References


   { balin }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
बलिन्  mfn. mfn. powerful, strong, mighty, stout, robust, [RV.] &c. &c.
बलिन्  m. m. a soldier, [Inscr.] (cf.बलस्थ)
   N. of वत्स-प्री, [MārkP.]
   (only [L.] ) a hog bull, buffalo, camel, kind of sheep, serpent, Phaseolus Radiatus, a sort of jasmine, the phlegmatic humour, N. of a बल-राम


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
बलिन् [balin] a.  a. [बलमस्त्यस्य इनि]
   Strong, powerful, mighty कुलध्वजस्तानि चलध्वजानि निवेशयामास बली बलानि [R.16.37] [Ms.7.174.]
   Stout, robust. -m
   A buffalo.
   A hog.
   A camel.
   A bull.
   A soldier.
   A kind of jasmine.
   The phlegmatic humour.
   An epithet of Balarāma.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
बलिन्  mfn.  (-ली-लिनी-लि) Strong, stout, robust.
  m.  (-ली)
   1. A camel.
   2. A buffalo.
   3. A bull.
   4. A hog.
   5. Phlegm.
   6. A name of BALA- RĀMA.
   7. A sort of pulse, (Phaseolus radiatus.)
   8. A sort of jas- mine, (J. Pubescens.)
  f.  (-नी) Sida cordifolia.
   E. बल strength, इनि aff.
बल इनि

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