Dictionaries | References


   { बेह्, bṛṃh, bēh }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
बृंह्   aबृंहण &c. see √ 2. 4. बृह्.
बृंह्   2. or बृह्cl. 1. P. (xvii, 85">[Dhātup. xvii, 85] ) बृंहति (also °ते, [ŚBr.] and बृहति, [AV.] ; pf.बबर्ह, [AV.] ; [A.] p.बबृहाण॑, [RV.] ),
to be thick, grow great or strong, increase (the finite verb only with a prep.) :
Caus.बृंहयति, °ते (also written वृ°), to make big or fat or strong, increase, expand, further, promote, [MBh.] ; [Kathās.] ; [Pur.] ; [Suśr.] ;
बर्हयति see सम्-√ बृह्:
Intens.बर्बृहत्, बर्बृहि see उप-√ बृह्.
बृंह्   4. or बृह् (also written वृह् or वृंह्). cl. 1. P. (xvii, 85">---10--- ) बृंहति (or बर्हति; 3. pl.pf.Ā.बबृंहिरे, xvii, 31">[Śiś. xvii, 31] ),
to roar, bellow, trumpet (said of an elephant), [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] &c.;
also cl. 10. P. (xxxiii, 95">[Dhātup. xxxiii, 95] ) to speak;
to shine.
बेह्   (also written वेह्) cl. 1. Ā.वेहते, to strive, make effort, xvi, 42">[Dhātup. xvi, 42] ;
cl. 1. P.वेहति = वेहाय, [Vop.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
बृंह् [bṛṃh]   I. 1, 6 P. (बृंहति, बृंहित)
   To grow, increase; बृंहितमन्युवेग [Bk.3.49.]
   To roar; बृंहन्ति कुञ्जरास्तत्र हया ह्रेषन्ति चासकृत्. -Caus. To cause to grow, nourish. -ii 1 P., 1 U. (बृंहति, बृंहयति-ते)
   To speak.
   To shine.
बेह् [bēh]   1 Ā. (बेहते) To endeavour, strive, attempt.


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
 verb  हस्तिनां गर्जनानुकूलः व्यापारः।   Ex. हस्तिशालायां बद्धाः हस्तिनः अबृंहन्।
संप्रेषणसूचक (Communication)कर्मसूचक क्रिया (verb of Action)क्रिया (verb)

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