मैत्र mfn. mf(ई)n. (fr. मित्र, of, which it is also the वृद्धि form in comp. ) coming from or given by or belonging to a friend, friendly, amicable, benevolent, affectionate, kind, [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c. belonging or relating to मित्र, [VS.] &c. &c. मैत्र m. m. ‘friend of all creatures’, a Brāhman who has arrived at the highest state of human perfection, [L.] मैत्रेयक a partic. mixed caste or degraded tribe (the offspring of an out-caste वैश्य; cf. ), [Mn. x, 23] संधि (scil. ) an alliance based on good-will, [Kām.] मित्र a friend (= ), [Pāṇ. 5-4, 36] , Vārtt. 4, [Pat.] N. of the 12th astrol. योग, [Col.] the anus, [Kull.] on [Mn. xii, 72] चैत्र a man's N. much used as the N. of an imaginary person in giving examples in gram. and philos. (cf. and Lat. Caius) मित्र N. of an आदित्य (= ), [VP.] of a preceptor, [Cat.] मैत्र n. n. (ifc. आ) friendship, [ŚBr.] &c. &c. a multitude of friends, [MBh.] ([Nīlak.] ) -नक्षत्र = , [Sūryas.] an early morning prayer addressed to मित्र, [BhP.] मैत्रं evacuation of excrement (presided over by मित्र; √ 1.कृ, to void excr° ), [Mn. iv, 152] -सूत्र = .