लप् (ऋ) लपृ r. 1st cl. (लपति) To speak, to utter. लप् (ऋ) लपृ With अनु prefixed. लप् (ऋ) लपृ 1. To talk like, to mimic. लप् (ऋ) लपृ 2. To repeat. लप् (ऋ) लपृ With अप, To deny. With आङ्, To address, to speak to. लप् (ऋ) लपृ With प्र, To talk incoherently. With प्रति, To gain, to get. लप् (ऋ) लपृ With वि, To lament, to bewail. With वि and प्र, To contradict, to dispute. लप् (ऋ) लपृ With सम्, लप् (ऋ) लपृ 1. To converse, to discourse. लप् (ऋ) लपृ 2. To be cunning or crafty.