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Script: Latin


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English
लप्   1. (cf.रप्) cl. 1. P. ([Dhātup. x, 8] ) लपति (ep. also °ते and लप्यति; pf.ललाप, लेपुस्, [MBh.] &c.; aor.अलापीत्Gr.; fut.लपिता, ib.; लपिष्यति, [Br.] &c.; inf.लप्तुम्, [MBh.] ; लपितुम्, [Kāv.] ; ind.p.-लप्य, [MBh.] ),
to prate, chatter, talk (also of birds), [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] ;
to whisper, [Gīt.] ; [Pañcar.] ;
to wail, lament, weep, [Nalôd.] :
Caus.लापयति, °ते (aor.अलीलपत् or अललापत्Gr.), to cause to talk, [ChUp.] :
Intens.ला॑लपीति, to prate senselessly, [AV.] ; [Kāṭh.] ;
लालप्यते (mc. also °ति), to wail, lament, [MBh.] ; [R.] ; [MārkP.] ;
to address repeatedly, [MBh.] , लालप्तिGr.
लप्   [cf.Gk.ὀ-λοφ-ύρομαι; perhaps Lat.lāmentum for लप्-मेन्तुम्.]
लप्   2. (ifc.) speaking, uttering (See अभिलापलप्).


लप् [lap]   1 P. (लपति)
To speak, talk in general.
To prate, chatter.
To whisper; कपोलतले मिलिता लपितुं किमपि श्रुतिमूले [Gīt.1.]
To wail, lament. -Caus. (लाप- यति-ते) To cause to talk &c. With उद् to call out loudly to.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English
लप् (ऋ) लपृ   r. 1st cl. (लपति) To speak, to utter.
लप् (ऋ) लपृ   With अनु prefixed.
लप् (ऋ) लपृ   1. To talk like, to mimic.
लप् (ऋ) लपृ   2. To repeat.
लप् (ऋ) लपृ   With अप, To deny. With आङ्, To address, to speak to.
लप् (ऋ) लपृ   With प्र, To talk incoherently. With प्रति, To gain, to get.
लप् (ऋ) लपृ   With वि, To lament, to bewail. With वि and प्र, To contradict, to dispute.
लप् (ऋ) लपृ   With सम्,
लप् (ऋ) लपृ   1. To converse, to discourse.
लप् (ऋ) लपृ   2. To be cunning or crafty.


See : भाष्, रुद्

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