Dictionaries | References ल लौहित्य { lauhityḥ, lauhitya } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words लौहित्य Puranic Encyclopaedia | English English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 LAUHITYA I A country of Purāṇic fame. This country of out-castes was conquered by Bhīma and he took from there different kinds of diamonds. [Śloka 26, Chapter 30, Sabhā Parva] .LAUHITYA II A sacred place constructed by the powers of Śrī Rāma. If one bathes in a pond there one would become golden in colour. [Śloka 2, Chapter 85, Vana Parva] ;[Chapter 25, Anuśāsana Parva] . लौहित्य प्राचीन चरित्रकोश | Hindi Hindi Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 लौहित्य n. एक पैतृक नाम, जो जैमिनीय उपनिषद ब्राह्मण में निम्नलिखित गुरु के लिए प्रयुक्त किया गया है, कृष्णदत्त, कृष्णरात, जयक, त्रिवेद कृष्णरात, दक्ष जयन्त, पल्लिगुप्त, मित्रभूति, यशस्विन, जयन्त, विपश्चित द्दढजयन्त, वैपश्चित दार्ढजयन्ति, वैपश्चित दार्ढजयन्ति, द्दढजयन्त श्यामजयन्त, श्यामसुजयन्त, सत्यश्रवस [जै. उ. ब्रा. ३.४२.१] । लोहित का वंशज होने से इन आचायों को यह पैतृक नाम प्राप्त हुआ होगा ।लौहित्य II. n. एक आचार्य [सां. आ. ७.२२] । लौहित्य A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 लौहित्य m. m. (fr.id.) a kind of rice, [Car.] (cf.लोहित्य)गर्गादि patron. (also pl.), [Hariv.] (cf.g.)N. of a river, the ब्रह्म-पुत्र, [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] of a sea, ib.of a mountain, [MBh.] लौहित्य n. n. (prob.) of a तीर्थ, ib.red colour, redness, [Sāh.] लौहित्य The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 लौहित्यः [lauhityḥ] [लोहितस्य भावः ष्यञ् स्वार्थे ष्यञ् वा] N. of a river, the Brahmaputra; चकम्पे तीर्णलौहित्ये तस्मिन् प्राग्- ज्योतिषेश्वरः [R.4.81] (where Malli. says: तीर्णा लौहित्या नाम नदी येन but quotes no authority).-त्यम् Redness. लौहित्य Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 लौहित्य nf. (-त्य-ती) Redness. m. (-त्यः)1. A male river.2. The ocean.E. लोहित as above, ष्यञ् pleonasm. ROOTS:लोहित ष्यञ् Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP