विज् 1. ( cf. √ विच्) cl. 6. Ā. विज॑ते ( mc. also विजति and वेजते, and accord. to [Dhātup. xxix, 23 and xxv, 12] also cl. 1. P. विनक्ति, and cl. 3. P. Ā. वेवेक्ति, वेविक्ते; pf. विविजे, 3. pl. °ज्रे, [RV.] ; aor. विक्थास्, विक्त, ib.; अविजीत्, अविजिष्टGr. ; fut. विजिता, ib.; विजिष्यति, [MBh.] ; वेजिष्यति, [Śatr.] ; inf. विजितुम्Gr. ), to move with a quick darting motion, speed, heave (said of waves), [ŚBr.] ; to start back, recoil, flee from ( abl. ), [RV.] ; [AV.] : Caus. वेजयति ( aor. अवीविजत्), to speed, accelerate, [PañcavBr.] ; to increase (See वेजित); to terrify (See id. ) : Desid. विविजिषतिGr. : Intens. वेविज्य॑ते ( p. वे॑विजान), to tremble at ( dat. ), start or flee from ( abl. ), [RV.] विज् [ cf. Germ. wîchen, weichen; Angl.Sax. wîkan; Eng. vigorous; weak.] विज् f. 2.m. or f. ( prob. ) a stake at play, [RV.] (‘a bird’ [Sāy.] )