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   { vyaṣṭi }
Script: Devanagari


व्यष्टि n.  एक आचार्य, जो सनारु नामक आचार्य का शिष्य था । इसके शिष्य का नाम विप्रचित्ति था [बृ. उ. ४.५.२२, ४.५.२८ माध्यं.]


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   vyaṣṭi f S Pervasion severally or singly; inherence distributively and constituently; the state of an individual or a particular or a part of any compound or collective mass--of any quantity or numberof any body or whole. व्यष्टि is contradistinguished from समष्टि. व्यष्टि signifies the state or standing of component members, portions, substances, or articles--of constituents, ingredients, or items; the state of components distinctly, distributively, and componently. समष्टि signifies the state of the composition, aggregate, or amount--the state of parts or particulars comprehended, comprised, or collected. व्यष्टि is the state of an individual in the species; of a species in the genus; of a genus in the class or order. समष्टि is the state of the species as the comprehension of its individuals; of the genus as the comprehension of its species; of the class or order as the comprehension of its genera. व्यष्टि is the state of an ingredient, a tree, a fruit, a drop, a soldier, a citizen; and समष्टि is the state of the compound--of the forest, the cluster, the ocean, the army, the city. See further under समष्टि.


  स्त्री. १ ऐककशः , व्यक्तिशः , व्याप्ति ; अवयवभूत , विभाजित संस्थिति ; एखाद्या समुच्चयाचा , मिश्रणाचा अंशविशेष किंवा व्यक्ति ; जातीतील , वर्गातील एक . याच्या उलट समष्टि . २ देह ; पिंड . [ सं . ]
०ग्रह  पु. अवयवांचा , व्यक्तिचा बोध , ग्रह . याच्या उलट समष्टिग्रह .
०रूप वि.  वैयक्तिक . व्यष्टिरूप सत्तेची परमावधी करून ... अभिवंदन करितो . - धर्नुंभग २० .


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
व्य्-अष्टि  f. f. attainment, success, [TS.] ; [ŚBr.] &c.
व्य् अष्टि
सम्-अष्टि   (in वेदान्त) singleness, individuality, a separated aggregate (such as man, viewed as a part of a whole [e.g. of the Universal Soul] while himself composed of individual parts; opp. to q.v.), [Śaṃk.] ; [Vedântas.]
सम् अष्टि
व्य्-अष्टि  m. m.N. of a preceptor, [ŚBr.]
व्य् अष्टि


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
व्यष्टि [vyaṣṭi]  f. f. Individuality, singleness.
   Distributive pervasion.
   (In Vedānta phil.) An aggregate or whole viewed as made up of many separate bodies (opp. समष्टि q. v.); समष्टिरीशः सर्वेषां स्वात्मतादात्म्यवेदनात् । तदभावा- त्ततोऽन्ये तु कथ्यन्ते व्यष्टिसंज्ञया ॥ Pañchadaśī 1.25.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
व्यष्टि  f.  (-ष्टिः)
   1. Singleness.
   2. Distributive pervasion.
   3. A whole viewed as consisting of many separate objects, (as opposed to समष्टि,) (in Vedānta phil.)

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