व्य्-आ-घात m. am. (√
हन्) striking against, beating, wounding, a stroke, blow,
[MBh.] ;
[R.] a defeat,
[Śiś.] commotion, agitation, disturbance,
[MBh.] ;
[Hariv.] an obstacle, impediment, hindrance,
[R.] ;
[VarBṛS.] (in
phil. ) contradiction, inconsistency of statement,
[Śaṃk.] ;
[Sarvad.] (in
rhet. ) a
partic. figure of speech (in which different or opposite effects are-shown to arise from the same cause or by the same agency
e.g. ‘the god of love reduced to ashes by the eye [of
शिव] is brought to life again by the eye [of beautiful women]’),
[Kpr.] ;
[Kuval.] &c.
astron. )
N. of the 13th
[Vās.] Cassia Fistula,
[L.] व्य्-आघात b &c. See
p. 1036, col. 1.