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   { vyāghiḥ }
Script: Devanagari


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
व्याघिः [vyāghiḥ]   1 Sickness, ailment, disease, illness (usually physical, and opp. आधि which means 'mental distress or anxiety'); रिपुरुन्नतधीरचेतसः सततव्याधिरनीतिरस्तु ते [Śi.16.] 11 (where व्याधि means 'free from आधि' also); cf. आधि.
   Leprosy. -Comp.
-कर a.  a. unwholesome.
-ग्रस्त a.  a. seized with disease, diseased.
   घातः, घ्नः, हन्तृ Calamus Rotung (वेतस्).
   Cathartocarpus Fistula (Mar. बाहवा, डुक्करकंद).
-निग्रहः   suppression of disease.
-बहुल a.  a. frequently visited with disease (as a village); नाधार्मिके वसेद् ग्रामे न व्याधिबहुले भृशम् [Ms.4.6.]
-स्थानम्   the body.

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