समुद्ग [samudga] a.
Rising, ascending.
Completely pervading.
Having a covering or lid.
Having beans.
द्गः A covered box or casket; शुक्लंश्चन्दनकल्कांश्च समुद्गेष्वव- तिष्ठतः
[Rām.2.91.75;] चित्तादर्शं निधातुं महितमिव सतां ते समुद्गायमाने । वृत्ताकारे विधत्तां हृदि मुदमजितस्यानिशं जानुनी नः ॥ Viṣṇupāda.
[S.19.] A round form of a temple.
A kind of artificial stanza;
[Kāv.3.54-56;] see समुद्गक below. -Comp.
-यमकम् (in Rhet.) making an artificial arrangement of words in such a manner as to make different parts of a stanza correspond in sound though they differ in meaning; see यमक.