Dictionaries | References स सरस्वत् { sarasvat } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 सरस्वत् प्राचीन चरित्रकोश | Hindi Hindi | | सरस्वत् n. एक राजकुमार, जो पुरूरवस् एवं सरस्वती के पुत्रों में से एक था । इसके पुत्र का नाम बृहद्रथ था [ब्रह्म. १०१.९] । Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 सरस्वत् A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | सरस्—वत् mfn. mfn. (स॑रस्-) abounding in or connected with ponds &c., [BhP.] ROOTS:सरस् वत् juicy, sapid, [L.] elegant, ib. sentimental, ib. finding pleasure or delight in (loc.), [Cat.] सरस्—वत् m. m.N. of a divinity belonging to the upper region (considered as offspring of the water and plants, as guardian of the waters and bestower of fertility), [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [TS.] ; [PañcavBr.] ROOTS:सरस् वत् of a male deity corresponding to सरस्वती, [TS.] ; [ŚBr.] the sea, [Śiś.] a river, [L.] सरसती N. of a river (= ), [BhP.] a buffalo, [W.] Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 सरस्वत् The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | सरस्वत् [sarasvat] a. Having water, watery; सदैव सारस्य सरस्वतामुना [Rām. ch.2.85.] Juicy, succulent. Elegant. Sentimental. Tasty, sapid. -m. The ocean; कार्ष्णिः प्रत्यग्रहीदेकः सरस्वानिव निम्नगाः [Śi.19.1.] A lake; आह्लादनामनि सरस्वति सारसाक्षि क्वैतादृशस्तरुरशेष- जनोपकारी [Rām. ch.5.58.] A male river (नद). A buffalo. N. N. of Vāyu. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 सरस्वत् Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English | | सरस्वत् mfn. (-स्वान्-स्वती-स्वत्) 1. Juicy, sapid. 2. Elegant. 3. Sentimental. m. (-स्वान्) 1. The ocean. 2. A male river. 3. A buffalo. 4. A lake. f. (-स्वती) 1. The wife of BRAHMĀ, the goddess of speech and eloquence, the patroness of music and the arts, and the inventress of the Sanskrit language and Devanāgari letters. 2. Speech, the faculty or its exercise. 3. A river, the SARASWATY, which rises in the mountains bounding the north-east part of the province of Delhi, whence it runs in a south-westerly direction, and is lost in the sands of the great desart in the country of the Bhatti: according to the Hindus the river only disappears in this place, and continuing its course under ground, joins the Ganges and Jamunā at Āllāhābād. 4. A river in general. 5. An excellent woman. 6. A cow. 7. The wife of a Muni. 8. A female divinity, peculiar to the Jainas. 9. The moon-plant, (Asclepias acida.) 10. An epithet of DURGĀ. E. सरस् a lake, and मतुप् poss. aff.; or स with, रस flavour, taste, and the same aff. ROOTS:सरस् मतुप् स रस Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP