Dictionaries | References


Script: Devanagari


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   Whole, sound, perfect; free from fissure or juncture, rottenness or flaw. The special understanding of the word is Composed or consisting of one piece. 2 Loose or slack;--as a bundle or a tie, a rope, a garment: also as ad Loosely or slackly;--used of binding, wrapping, tying, and of the sitting of a line of sitters. Used by many in the sense Loose or slack unrestrictedly and altogether synonymously with सैल; also in the sense Loosely, freely, at large.


 वि.  १ पूर्ण ; सगळें ; अखंड ; बिनजोड ; निर्दोष . २ ढिला ; सैल ; शिथिल . [ अर . सलम ]

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