Dictionaries | References


Script: Devanagari


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   esp. with पावसाचें, वाऱ्याचें &c. A fall of rain, or any particular wind or weather, continuing seven days and nights. 2 Cold falling on the seventh day after an interval of six days' mild weather. 3 fig. A turn-up, for a season, of something extra and fine; some feast, jaunt, piece of fun, occasion of merrymaking, gale of Fortune's favors &c., a run. Ex. पंधरा दिवस क्षीरभोजनाचें सा0 लागलें होतें. 4 A period of seven days. Ex. हें औषध आज खा मध्यें एक सा0 जाऊं दे मग अणखी खा; ही मात्रा एक सा0 घे.

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