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   { hṛ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English
हृ   1.cl. 1. Ā.P. ([Dhātup. xxii, 2] ) ह॑रति, °ते (once in [RV.] हर्मि, and once in Sch. on [ĀpŚr.] -जिहर्ति; pf.P.जहार, जह॑र्थ, जह्रुः [-जहरुः ?] [AV.] &c.; Ā.जह्रे, [Br.] &c.; aor.अहार्, अहृथास्, [AV.] ; [Br.] ; अहार्षीत्, [RV.] &c. &c.; 3. pl.Ā.अहृषत, [RV.] ; Prec.ह्रियात्, हृषीष्टGr.; fut.हर्ता, [Br.] &c.; हरिष्यति, °ते, ib.; Cond.अहरिष्यत्, ib.; inf.ह॑र्तुम्, °तोस्, °तवे, °तवै॑, ib.;हरितुम्, [R.] ; ind.p.हृत्वा, -हा॑रम्, [Br.] &c.; -हृ॑त्य, [AV.] &c.),
to take, bear, carry in or on (with instr.), carry, convey, fetch, bring, [RV.] &c. &c.;
to offer, present (esp. with बलिम्), [AV.] &c. &c.;
to take away, carry off, seize, deprive of, steal, rob, ib.;
to shoot or cut or hew off, sever (the head or a limb), [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.;
to remove, destroy, dispel, frustrate, annihilate, ib.;
to turn away, avert (the face), [Ratnâv.] ; [Śiś.] ;
Ā. (older and more correct than P.), to take to one's self, appropriate (in a legitimate way), come into possession of (acc.), receive (as an heir), raise (tribute), marry (a girl), [ŚBr.] ; [GṛŚrS.] &c.;
to master, overpower, subdue, conquer, win, win over (also by bribing), [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.;
to outdo, eclipse, surpass, [Bālar.] ;
to enrapture, charm, fascinate, [MBh.] ; [R.] &c.;
to withhold, withdraw, keep back, retain, [Yājñ.] ; [MBh.] &c.;
to protract, delay (with कालम्, ‘to gain time’), [AitBr.] ; [ĀśvŚr.] ; [Kathās.] ;
(in arithm.) to divide, [VarBṛS.] ; [Gol.] :
Pass.ह्रिय॑ते (ep. also °ति; aor.अहारि),
to be taken or seized &c., [AV.] &c. &c.:
Caus.हारयति, °ते (aor.अजीहरत्; Pass.हार्यते),
to cause to be taken or carried or conveyed or brought by (instr. or acc.; cf.Pāṇ. 1-4, 53 Sch.) or to (dat.), [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.;
to cause to be taken away, appropriate, seize, rob, [Kathās.] ;
to have taken from one's self, be deprived of, lose (esp. at play), [Kāv.] ; [Kathās.] ; (हरयते) See प्र-√ हृ;
(हारापयति), to lose (at play), [Pañcad.] :
Desid.जि॑हीर्षति, °ते (cf.जिहीर्षा, °षु), to wish to take to one's self or appropriate, covet, desire, long for, [AV.] &c. &c.;
(with कालम्), to wish to gain time, [MBh.] :
Intens.जेह्रीयते;जर्हरीति, जरीहरीति, जर्हर्ति, जरीहर्ति (cf.सं-√ हृ) Gr. ([cf.Gk.χείρ.])
हृ   2. or हॄcl. 9. Ā.हृणीते (only p.हृणान॑, [RV. i, 25, 2 &c.] ; Pot. [अभि] -हृणीथाः, ib. viii, 2, 19, and [?] अहृणात्, [ŚāṅkhBr. xxiii, 4] ), to be angry or wroth.


हृ [hṛ]   1 U. (हरति-ते, जहार, जहे, अहार्षीत्, अहृत, हरिष्यति-ते, हर्तुम्, हृत; pass. ह्रियते)
To take, carry, convey, lead, (often used with two accusatives in this sense); अजां ग्रामं हरति ŚK.; संदेशं मे हर धनपतिक्रोधवश्लेषितस्य [Me.7;] [Ms.4.74.]
To carry off or away, take or draw to a distance; हरामि रामसौमित्री मृगो भूत्वा मृगद्युवौ [Bk.5.47.]
To take away, rob, plunder, steal; दुर्वृत्ता जारजन्मानो हरिष्यन्तीति शङ्कया [Bv.4.45;] [R.3.39;] [Ku.2.47;] [Bk.2.39;] [Ms. 7.43.]
To strip off, deprive of, despoil, take away; वृन्ताद्श्लथं हरति पुष्पमनोकहानाम् [R.5.69;] [Bk.15.116;] [Ms.8.] 334.
To take away, cure, destroy; उत्कण्ठां तां हरिष्यामि मेघलेखामिबानिलः [Rām.7.4.19;] तथापि हरते तापं लोकानामुन्नतो घनः [Bv.1.39;] [R.15.24;] [Me.31.]
To attract, captivate, win over, influence, subdue, enchant; चेतो न कस्य हरते गतिरङ्गनायाः [Bv.2.157;] ये भावा हृदयं हरन्ति 1.13; तवास्मि गीतरागेण हारिणा प्रसभं हृतः [Ś.1.5;] हरति मे हरिवाहनदिङ्मुखम् [V.3.6;] मृगया जहार चतुरेव कामिनी [R.9.69;1.83;] [Ṛs. 6.21;] इन्द्रियाणि प्रमाथीनि हरन्ति प्रसभं मनः [Bg.2.6;6.44;] [Ms.6.59.]
To gain, acquire, obtain; ततो विंशं नृपो हरेत् [Ms.8.391,153;] [Y.2.123;] स हरतु सुभगपताकाम् [Dk.]
To have, possess; अङ्गैः सुकुमारतरैः सा कुसुमानां श्रियं हरति [Bv.2.163.]
To surpass, eclipse; त्वां हरन्तीं श्रियं हरति [Bk.5.71.]
To marry; पित्रे न दद्याच्छुल्कं तु कन्यामृतुमतीं हरन् [Ms.9.93.]
To divide.
To cast, throw (as an arrow).
To accept, receive, inherit.
To offer. -Caus. (हारयति-ते)
To cause to take, carry or convey, send (something) by one, (with acc. or instr.); मृत्यं मृत्येन वा भारं हारयति Sk.; जीमूतेन स्वकुशलमयीं हारयिष्यन् प्रवृत्तिम् [Me.4;] [Ms.8.114;] [Ku.2.] 39.
To cause to be taken away, to lose, be deprived of.
To give away. -Desid. (जिहीर्षति-ते) To wish to take &c. -II. 3 P. (जिहर्ति) To take by force.
हृ [hṛ] ह्रि [hri] णीयते [ṇīyatē]   (ह्रि) णीयते Den. Ā.
To be angry.
To feel ashamed (with instr. or gen.); त्वयाद्य तस्मिन्नपि दण्डधारिणा कथं न पत्या धरणी हृणीयते [N.1.133;] दिवोपि वज्रायुधभूषणाया हृणीयते वीरवती न भूमिः [Bk.2.38.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English
हृ   r. 1st cl. (ज) हृज्
r. 1st cl. (हरति ते)
1. To convey.
2. To take or accept.
3. To steal.
4. To destroy or annual.
5. To deprive of
6. To captivate, to charm, to influence.
7. To remove.
With अधि and आ, To supply an ellipsis.
With अनु prefixed,
1. To imitate, (Par.)
2. To take after the parents, (Atm.)
With अप,
1. To remove, to take away or apart.
2. To plunder, to steal.
3. To attract, to influence.
4. To leave behind.
With अभि and अव, To eat. With आ,
1. To fetch, to carry.
2. To perform, (as a sacrifice.)
3. To get.
4. To procreate.
5. To recover, to bring back.
6. To assume.
7. To attract.
8. To withdraw.
9. To eat.
With उद्,
1. To take out or up.
2. To make an extract from.
3. To raise, to extricate. 4. To eradicate, to destroy.
5. To deduct.
With उप and आ, To bring. With निस्,
1. To carry out a dead body.
2. To extract, to draw out from.
With प्र,
1. To throw, to hurl, to fling, (with a dative or accusative.)
2. To attack, to strike.
3. To wound, to injure, (with a locative.)
4. To seize upon.
With वि,
1. To remove, to destroy.
2. To pass, (as time.)
3. To sport.
4. To say.
With सम्, 1. To collect.
2. To withdraw.
3. To suppress, to restrain.
4. To kill, to annihilate, (opposed to सृज्).
5. To contract, to abridge With सम and आ,
1. To bring.
2. To make reparation for.
3. To draw.
4. To destroy.
5. To collect.
With अभि, To assault. With अभि and आङ्, To reason.
With अभि and उत्, To deliver. With अभि, वि, and आङ्, To utter, to pronounce.
With अव,
1. To regain. 2. To punish or fine.
With उत्,
1. To raise, to lift or take up.
2. To expel.
With उद् and आङ्.
1. To say or tell.
2. To illustrate, to exemplify.
With उप,
1. To bring near to.
2. To give.
With उप and सम्, To withhold.
With नि changed to नी, To freeze. With निर्, To show disrespect.
With निर् and आङ्, To fast.
With परि, 1. To reproach, to abuse or censure.
2. To leave, to shun, to abandon.
3. To resist.
4. To remove, to destroy.
5. To extract. With प्रति changed to प्रती, To keep watch.
With प्रति and आङ्, To think abstractedly by restraining the organs of sense.
With प्रति and सम्, To disregard, to abandon.
With वि,
1. To sport, to ramble for pleasure.
2. To pass, (as time.)
3. To remove.
4. To destroy. With वि and आङ्, To say, to utter, to speak.
With वि and अव, 1. To deal in transactions, (with a genitive.)
2. To litigate. With सम् and आङ्, To collect, to assemble.
With सम्, अभि, वि and आङ्, To speak in concert.
With सम्, उत् and आङ्, To relate.
With सम् and उप,
1. To give.
2. To assemble, to collect. With सम् and प्र, To fight.
With वि and अति prefixed and implying reciprocity (व्यतिहरते) To steal or plunder mutually. In the first sense “to convey” this verb geverns two accusatives, as भारं हरति ग्रागं he takes the load (to) the village. Caus. (हारयति-ते)
1. To cause to carry.
2. To make to lose.
With अप, To cause to take away.
With अभि and अव, To feed.
With आ, To cause to bring. With उद्, To cause to take out.
r. 3rd cl. (जहर्त्ति) To take by violence.


verb  बलपूर्वकम् आहरणानुकूलः व्यापारः।   Ex. आततायिनः कश्मीरस्य मन्त्रिणः पुत्रीम् अहरन्।/मुषाण रत्नानि हर अमराङ्गनाः ।
()कर्मसूचक क्रिया (Verb of Action)क्रिया (Verb)
अपहृ मुष् निर्मुष् विप्रलुप् विमथ् अभ्यादा
asmঅপহৰণ কৰা
gujઅપહરણ કરવું
hinअपहरण करना
kasاغوا کَرُن
kokअपहरण करप
marअपहरण करणे
oriଅପହରଣ କରିବା
panਅਗਵਾਹ ਕਰਨਾ
telబలత్కారంగా ఎత్తుకొనిపోవు
urdاغواکرنا , اٹھا لے جانا , لے بھاگنا
See : कथय, वह्, अपहृ, विलुण्ट्, अपहृ, चुर्, आकृष्, अपहृ, अपनी

Related Words

हृ   छलेन हृ   fleece   rob   swindle   defraud   pluck   kidnap   snatch   plume   plunder   withdraw   اغوا کَرُن   अपहरण करणे   अपहरण करना   अपहरण करप   অপহৰণ কৰা   ଅପହରଣ କରିବା   અપહરણ કરવું   ਅਗਵਾਹ-ਕਰਨਾ   బలత్కారంగా ఎత్తుకొనిపోవు   carry   gazump   অপহরণ করা   overcharge   கடத்திச்செல்   remove   gip   goldbrick   gyp   hornswoggle   bunco   diddle   con   victimize   short-change   surcharge   തട്ടിക്കൊണ്ടുപോവുക   nobble   abduct   glom   gravitate   knock off   snitch   खाव   rook   thieve   ಅಪಹರಿಸು   grab   loot   soak   transport   hook   take away   scam   mulct   take   cop   हारापय   हारापयति   हर्तवे   हर्तवै   प्रतीहारम्   हृत्कमल   व्हरचें   अनूद्धृ   हिरणम्   निर्जिहीर्षु   निर्मुष्   पराहृत   परिजिहीर्षा   displume   deodorize   अह्रि   अनुहार्य्य   अपजिहीर्षु   उज्जिहीर्षु   हार्ग   हिरावणें   हूर्णि   हृत्वन्   हरत्   हर्म्मन्   प्रजिहीर्षु   संघारणें   संजिहीर्षु   हृणीय   unman   उज्जिहीर्षा   व्यावहारी   प्रत्युद्धरण   deoppilate   unnerve   unsheathe   अपहर   अभ्यवहृत   उपजिहीर्षा   सुखप्रश्न   हृत्वा   व्याहरत्   
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