पञ्चमकार n. (
-रं) The five essentials of the left hand Tantra ritual; “Madya” wine, “Maṃsa” flesh, “Matsya” fish, “Maithuna” copu- lation, “Mudra” gesticulation.
पञ्च—म-कार n. n. the 5 essentials of the left-hand तन्त्र ritual (the words for which begin with the letter
म्, viz. मद्य, wine; मांस, meat; मत्स्य, fish; मुद्रा, intertwining of the fingers; and मैथुन, sexual union), [W.] (cf. -तत्त्व and, [RTL. 192] ).
पञ्च, and मकार the letter M; all beginning with that letter.
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