Dictionaries | References

"i" Words

issue process   issue rate   Issue register   issue reminder urgently   issue sanction   issue share capital   issue shares at discount   issue system   issue telegraphic instructious   issue today   issue urgent reminder   issue wireless message   issued   issued capital   issued debenture   issued stock   issueless   issuer   issues involved   issuing   issuing authority   issuing banker   issuing house   Issuing slips   issuing system   istabirite   istanbul   isthmospore   isthmus   isthmus of spinal cord   isthmus rhombencephali   Istiophoridae   Isuridae   it   it appears   it hardly seems feasible or advisable to   it has been brought to my notice that   it has been decided   it has been observed that   it has been proposed   it has come to my notice   it has direct bearing on   it has since been decided that   it is admissible   it is estimated   it is expected   it is for consideration whether....   it is for orders whether   it is further requested that   it is highly objectionable   it is implied   it is incumbent on   It is irregular to use the departmental receipts for departmental expenditure   it is likely to decline   it is likely to increase   it is matter of regret   it is mentioned   it is my submission   it is not available   it is not feasible   it is not our practice   it is not sought to make these rules applicable to such case   it is obvious   it is pointed out   it is presumed that   it is quite evident   it is regretted   it is regretted that   it is remarkable   it is requested   it is submitted that   it is suggested   It is therefore necessary to bring the expenditure to the notice of Legislature   it is unreasonable to insist on   it may be added   it may be added that   It may be argued that---   it may be noted   it may be pointed out that   it may be read as ....   it may further be added   it means   it means that   it need not be sent   it reads as .....   it shall be constructed   It should be stated expressly in the statement   it should reach by ...   it was considered desirable to...   it will be administered by ...   it will be considered   it will be construed   it will be highly appreciated   it will not constitute any interruption of service   It will not fall short to meent the urgent type of expenditure for which it is meant   it would depend upon.....   it would lead to....   italia   italian   italian capital   
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