prep.मध्ये, अन्तर्, अन्तरे, अभ्यन्तरे, अन्तरेण; ‘into the forest,’
अरण्यमध्ये. When
‘into’ follows verbs of motion it may be expressed by the accus. c.; as,
‘come into the house,’
गृहम् आयाहि; ‘the river runs into the ocean,’
नदी समुद्रंविशति. When it follows verbs denoting examination or inspection it may also be expressed by the
acc. c.; as,
‘he looks into the letter,’
पत्रं निरूपयति. When it follows verbs denoting insertion or inclusion it may be expressed by the
loc. c.; as,
‘he inserts the wedge into the wood,’
कीलं काष्ठे निवेशयति. When it follows verbs denoting mixture it may be expressed by the
instrum. c., or by
सह with the
instrum. c.; as,
‘he puts the wine into the water,’
मद्यं जलेन सह मिश्रयति. When
‘into’ denotes the passing of a thing from one state to another it may be expressed by the affixed
सात्; as,
‘converted into water,’
जलसास्कृतः -ता -तं, or by changing the final of the noun to
ई; as,
‘reduced into one mass,’
पिण्डीभूतः -ता -तं. When
‘into’ is used for
‘in’ it may usually be expressed by the
loc. c.; as,
‘into the ear,’
कर्णे. This last expres- sion is also rendered by
INTO , l. 16.