LEST , conj.यदि, यदि न, चेत्, न चेत्, नो चेत्, यदि कदाचित्, यदा-कदाचित्, कदाचित्. In using these particles to express the word
‘lest’ it will be necessary to vary the form of the sentence according to the particle employed, as in the following examples selected from modern Sanskrit.
‘I fear lest your minds should be corrupted,’ चेद् युष्माकंमनांसि दुष्येयुर् ममैषा भीतिर् जायते;
‘beware lest he strike thee,’ सावधानो भव चेत् त्वामपि ताडयति; or the particle may be omitted; as,
‘beware lest any man deceive you,’ सावधाना भवत कोऽपि युप्मान् न भ्रमयेत्: or other particles may be used in more classical Sanskrit, the construction of the sentence being changed accordingly; as,
‘commit not evil lest thou obtain the same,’ पापं मा कुरु पापे हि कृतेत्वया तादृशं प्राप्तव्यं;
‘he commanded to kill the captives lest they should escape,’ वन्दयः पलायिष्यन्ते इत्याशङ्कया or इति बुद्ध्यातान् हन्तुम् आदिदेश;
‘justice is not to be killed, lest being killed, it destroy us,’ धर्म्मो न हन्तव्यो मा नो धर्म्मो हतो बधीत्.