Dictionaries | References


शब्दकोश - पदनाम
Type: Dictionary
Count : 3,142 (Approx.)
Language: English  Marathi

Fire Watcher   First Aider   First Assist5ant to Court Receiver   First Assistant Master   First Assistant Mechanic   First Assistant to Chief Engineer   First Assistant to Official Assignee   First Bacteriological Assistant   First Butler   First Chemical Assistant   First Clerk   First Clerk to the Superintending engineer   First Expert   First Mechanic   Fisheries Development Officer (Fish Seed)   Fisheries Enumerator   Fisheries Instructor (Instructor in charge)   Fisheries Training Officer   Fisherman Assistant   Fisherman expert   Fishery Assistant   Fishery Inspector   Fish Farm   Fitter   Fitter and Turner   Flayer   Flockman   Flockman and Poultryman   Floor Manager   Flyboy   Flyboy and Machine Assistant   flyman   Fodder Development Officer   Folk Lore Committee   Follow up Division   Food and Civil Supplies Department   Food and Drugs Administration   Food Corporation of India   Foodgrains Distribution Officer   Foodgrains Inspector   Foreign Ambassadors Accredited to India   Foreign Ambassadors Accredited to Other Countries   Foreman   Foreman cum Mechanical Supervisor   Foreman Engineer   Forest Development Corporation of Maharashtra Ltd.   Forester   Foresters' School   Forest Guard   Forest Labourers' Co-operative Society   Forest Sub-Committee   Forest Utilisation Officer   Forest Village School Master   Forms Clerk   Foundry Foreman   Fourth Clerk   Fruit Development Officer   Fruit Preservation Officer   Fruits and Vegetables Sales Co-operative Society   Fuel Attendant   Full time Anaesthetist   Full time Peon   Full time reporter   Full time Specialist in Medicine   Full time Specialist in Radiology   Full time Specialist in Tuberculosis   Full time Surgeon   Furnace Operator   Gallery Assistant   Gallery Attendant   Galley Pressman   Galley Rollerman   Gameboy   Games boy cum Watchman   Games Teacher   Game Warden   gangman   Garage Architect   Garage Clerk   Garden Architect   Garden Attendant   Garden Clerk   Garden Coolie   Garden Coolie and Garden Reja   gardener   garden mazdoor   Garden Overseer   Garden Superintendent   Garden Superintendent, Regional Fruit Research Station   Garden Supervisor   Gas and Electric Welder   Gas Attendant   Gas Cutter   Gas Inspector   Gas Mistry   Gas Plant Attendant   Gas Plant Operator   Gate Keeper   Gate Keeper and Watchman   Gauge Recorder   Gear Technician   General Administration Department   General Co-operative Society   General Insurance Co-operative Society   General Machinist   General Manager   General Mechanic   General Publicity Supervisor   Generator Operator   Geo Chemist   Geological Assistant   Geologist   Geophysicist   Gestetner Operator   Ghani Carpenter   Ghani Mechanic   Gilder   Girls' School   glass blower   Godown Keeper   Godown Manager   Godown Superintendent   Godown Watchman cum lHamal   Government Agent before Sales tax Tribunal   Government Central Distillery   Government Central Press   Government College of Arts and Science   Government Diploma Training Institute   Government Dispensary   Government High School   Government Homoeopathic Hospital   Government Industrial cum Technical High School   Government Industrial Training Workshop   Government Junior College of Education   Government Labour Officer   Government Law College   Government Multipurpose Higher Secondary School   Government Photozincographic Press   Government Pleader   Government Polytechnic   Government Power Weaving Instructional Institute   Government Pre-primary Montessori Training School   Government Press and Book Depot   Government Press and Stationery Stores   Government T.B.Clinic   Government Teachers' Training Centre   Government Urdu Basic Training College   Government Vocational High School   Government vocational Institute   Governor   Grader   Grading Assistant   Grading Inspector   Grading Officer   Graduates' Basic Training Centre   Graining Makchineman   Grain Purchase Inspector   Gram Training Centre   Grass Assistant   Grass Supervisor   Grazier   Greaser   Green House Core   Grinder   Grinderman   Groundman   Group Commander,National Cadet Corps(Rifles)   Group Instructor   Group Secretary   Guard   Guard Commander   Guest Room Attendant   Guide   Guillotineman   Gynaecologist and Obstetrician   Haematology Unit   Haffkine Biopharmaceutical Corporation Ltd.   Halalkhor   Halftone Engraver   Halkabandi Clerk   Hammerman   Handicraft Inspector   Handloom Supervisor   Handloom Weaving Instructor   Hand Pressman   Hand Press Printer   Hand Rollerman   Harbour Master   Head Accountant   Head Attendant   Head Binder   Head Book Binder   Head Clerk   Head Constable Armourer   Head Constable Assistant Fitter   Head Constable Qualified Armourer   Head Distributor   Head Draftsman   Head Drawer   Head Drill Instructor   Head Educator at Maternity and Child Health Centre   Head Enlarger   Head Examiner   Head Mali   Headman   Head Mistress   Head Motor Mechanic Instructor   Head Mounter   Head of Branch   Head of Section   Head of Sugar Technology   Headquarter Sub-Registrar   Head reader   Head Wireless Mechanic   Health Assistant   Health Educator at Health Unit   Health Equipment and Maintenance officer   Health Worker   Heat Treatment Operator   Heavy Duty Operator   Helio Printer   Helper   Helper Mechanic   Herbarium Assistant   Herdsman   Herds Overseer   Higher Grade Clerk   Higher Grade Stenographer   Higher Secondary School   Himroo Organiser   Historical Archivist   Home Defence Wing   Home Department   Home Guard Organisation   Home Guards Control Room   Home Police Inspector   Home Police Wireless Inspector   Home Science Instructor   Home sister   Honorary Adviser   Honorary Assistant   Horticultural Officer   horticulturist   Hosiery Artisan   Hosiery Demonstrator   Hospital Attendant   Hospital Surgeon   Hostel Clerk   Hostel Prefect   Hostel Servant   Hostel Superintendent   hostel warden   Hot Mix Plant Operator   Hotricultural Development Officer   House and Linen Keeper   House Cleaner   House Father   House Keeper   House Keeping Section   Houseman   house master   House Mother   House Officer   House Physician   Housing and Special Assistance Department   Housing Commissioner   Huzur Record Keeper   Hybrid Seed Production Officer   Hydrographer   Hydrographic Surveyor   Hydrology Investigator   i/c ayurvedic pharmacy   i/c filaria control unit   i/c finished products   i/c health unit   i/c scheme for investigation of khar land   Implementation and Evaluation Officer   Implements and Machinery Supply Co-operative Society   improvement trust   Improver   Indian Ambassadors Accredited to other Countries   Indian Bureau of Mines   Indian English Middle School   Indian High Commission   Indian School of Mining and Applied Geology   Industrial Abrasive Co-operative Society   Industrial Auditor   Industrial Co-operative Association   Industrial Co-operative Society   Industrial Court   Industrial Pilot Project   Industrial Research Laboratory   Industrial Statistician   Industrial Supervisor   Industrial Training Institute   Industrial Tribunal   Industries Commissioner   Industries, Energy and Labour Department   Industries Inspector (Economic Investigation)   Industries Officer   Inestigator   Informal Consultative Committee of Membrs of the State Legislature and Parliament   Information Assistant   Information Assistant cum Librarian   information officer   In-Patient Department   Inplant Training Officer   Insect Collector   Insecticide Attendant   Insolvency Registrar   inspecting authority   Inspection and Storage Officer   Inspector   Inspectress of Girls School   Institute of Applied Arts   Institute of Science   Institute of Veterinary Biological Products   Instructor   Instrument Maker   Instrument Player   Instrument Repairer   Insurance Medical Officer   Integration Committee   Intensifier   Intermediate Grade Clerk   Internal Audit Officer   Internal Auditor   Internal Financial Adviser and Deputy Secretary   Interpreter   Invigilator   Inward Clerk   Irrigation clerk   Irrigation Department   Irrigation Development Corporation of Maharashtra Ltd.   irrigation project   Isolation Hospital   Issue Assistant   Issue Checker   Issue Clerk   Jack Hammer Driller   Jail Officers' Training School   jailor   Jailor cum Superintendent   Jamabandi Clerk   Jeep Driver   Jobber   Joiner   Joint Apprenticeship Adviser   Joint Charity Commissioner   Joint Civil Judge and Judicial magistrate   Joint Civil Judge, Junior Division   Joint Civil Judge, Senior Division   Joint Commissioner   Joint Director   Joint District Registrar and Finance Officer   Joint Editor   Joint Registrar   Joint Secretary to Government   Joint Sub-Registrar   Joint Transport Commissioner   Judge   Judge, City Civil Court and Additional Sessions Judge   Judge, Court of small causes   Judge, Employees' Insurance Court   Judge, First Labour Court   Judgement Writer   Judge, Second Labour court   Judicial Clerk   Judicial Committee   Judicial Deposit Assistant   Judicial Magistrate   Judicial Record Keeper   Juice Boiler   Junior and Senior Basic School   Junior Assistant   Junior Commissioned Officer Member   Junior Draftsman   Junior Engineer   Junior Registrar   Junior Research Fellow   Junior Scientific Assistant   Junior Stock Verifier   Juvenile Court   Kahar (Waterman)   Keyman   Key Market Superintendent   Key Villlage Officer   Khadi Village Industries Commission   Khar Land Investigator   Kiln Assistant   Kiln Operator   Kitchen Maid   Kitchen Servant   Kitchen Supervisor   Laboratory Attendant   Laboratory BEarer   Laboratory Boy   Laboratory Chemist   Laboratory Chowkidar   Laboratory Cleaner   Laboratory Hamal   Laboratory Helper   Laboratory Helpmate   Laboratory Keeper   Laboratory Mechanic   Laboratory Peon   Laboratory Servant   Laboratory Supervisor   Laboratory Technician   Laboratory Technician (Referral Laboratory)   Laboratory Unit   Labour   Labour Assistant   Labour Contract Co-operative Society   labour court   labourer   Labourer in Dairy   Labour Officer   Labour Welfare Officer   Labour Welfare Superintendent   Lacquer Instructor   Lady Assistant (Balwadi)   Lady Checker   Lady Craft Teacher   Lady Doctor   Lady Inspector of Factories   Lady Instructor   Lady Medical Officer   Lady Nursery Teacher   Lady Nutritionist   Lady Organiser   Lady Principal   Lady Sports Officer   Lady Superintendent, Health Visitor's School   Lady Supervisor   Lady Tailoring Instructor   Lady Welfare Officer   Lady Welfare Worker   Lance Havildar   Lance Naik   Land Acquisition Clerk   Land Acquisition Officer   Land Clerk   Land Improvement Sub-Committee   Land Survey Officer   Land Utilisation Survey Officer   Land valuation Officer   Language Advisory Board   Language Assistant   Language Laboratory Attendant   Language Laboratory Technician   Language Master   Language Officer   Language Teacher   Lasker   Lasker Tandel   Latheman   Launch Drive Jamadar   Launch Driver   Launch Maintenance Officer   Laundry Operator   Law and Judiciary Department   Law Instructor   Lawn Mower   Law Officer   Law Officer of Government   Law Officer on District Level   Layland Attendant   Leading Fireman   Leadsman   Learner Mechanic   Leather Artisan   Leather Assistant   Leather Demonstrator   Leather Expert and Superintendent   Leather Goods Master   Leather Industries Development Corporation Ltd.   Leather Instructor   Leather Supervisor   Leather Worker   Leather Work Instructor   Leave Reserve Clerk   Leave Reserve Deputy Collector   Leave Reserve Medical Officer   leave reservist   Lecturer   Ledger Clerk   Legal Adviser   Legal Adviser to the Inspector General of Police   Legal Assistant   Legal (Matters) Clerk   Legal Officer   Legislative Assembly   legislature   Legislature Priority Committee   Legislature Secretariat   Leprosy Dresser   Leprosy Social Worker   Leprosy Technician   Letterpress Machineman   
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  • मराठी भाषा - श्री. संजय भगत
  • परिभाषा कोश १ मे १९६० रोजी महाराष्ट्र राज्याची स्थापना झाल्यानंतर राजभाषा मराठीचा शासन व्यवहारात वापर करण्याबाबतचे धोरण राबविण्यासाठी शासन निर्णय, सामान्य प्रशासन विभाग,क्रमांक ओएफएल-११५९ बी दिनांक ६ जुलै १९६० अन्वये भाषा संचालनालयाची स्थापना करण्यात आली. मराठी राजभाषा असल्याचे घोषित करणारा कायदा विधानमंडळात मंजूर होऊन दिनांक ११ जानेवारी, १९६५ रोजी महाराष्ट्र राजपत्रातून जाहीर झाला व तदन्वये मराठीचा राज्य कारभारात जास्तीत जास्त वापर करण्याचे ठरले. राजभाषा मराठीविषयक शासनाचे धोरण राबवताना आधुनिक तंत्रज्ञानाद्वारे विविध विषयावरील शास्त्रीय व तांत्रिक परिभाषा कोश तयार करणे, शासन व्यवहारासाठी आवश्यक परिभाषा घडविणे, शब्दावल्या तयार करणे हे भाषा संचालनालयाचे महत्वाचे उद्दिष्ट आहे!

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