NEITHER , pron.
(Not either, not the one or the other) expressed by अन्यतरः -रा -रं or एकतरः -रा -रं or उभौ, or simply by the dual in conjunction with the negative न; as,
‘neither of them can break the bow,’ धनुर् भंक्तुम् एकतरो न शक्नोति or उभौ न शक्नुतः or simply न शक्नुतः.
NEITHER , conj. expressed by the negative न or न च, or by the prohibitive मा. Sometimes in conjunction with वा; as,
‘he took neither food nor clothes for his journey,’ यात्रार्थंभक्ष्यं वस्त्रं वा न जग्राह;
‘take neither food nor clothes,’ भक्ष्यं वस्त्रं वा मा गृहाण;
‘do not eat the fruit neither touch it,’ फलं मा खादत मा स्पृशत;
‘he did not touch, neither did he smell,’ नास्पृशद् न चाजिघ्रत्.