Dictionaries | References

"s" Words

sampling frame   sampling in sand   sampling inspection   sampling inspection plan   sampling interval   sampling method   sampling moment   sampling number   sampling on successive occasions   sampling population   sampling principle   sampling rate   sampling ratio   sampling spoon   sampling stability   sampling structure   sampling technique   sampling theorem   sampling theory   sampling tube   sampling unit   sampling validity   sampling variability   sampling variance   sampling with replacement   sampling without replacement   samraj   Samuelson-Hicks model of the multiplier accelerator   san diego   san jose   san marino   san salvador   sana   sana'a   sanable   sanad   sanatarium   sanative   sanat-kumara   sanatorium   sanctification   sanctified   sanctify   sanctifying   sanctimonious   sanctimoniousness   sanctimony   sanction   sanction has become inoperative   Sanction is accorded   sanction is hereby accorded to ....   sanction may be accorded for the creation of the additional posts of.....   sanction of interest-free loan   sanction quantity   Sanction to be enforced in audit   sanctioned   sanctioned after consultation with finance department   sanctioned and working strength   sanctioned as proposed   sanctioned as suggested   Sanctioned charges   Sanctioned cost of cadre   Sanctioned grants   Sanctioned scale of pay   sanctioning authority   sanctioning order   sanctions   sanctity   sanctuary   sanctum   sand   sand asphalt   sand bag   sand bank   sand bar   sand bath   sand bed   sand binder   sand blast   sand blasted   sand blasted glass   sand blasting   sand blow   sand blowing   sand blsting   sand boil   sand burning   sand cap   sand casting   sand catcher   sand clay   sand conditioning equipment   sand contorl   sand crystal   sand culture   sand dike   sand draft   sand dune   sand ejector   sand expansion   
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