जाबालिः [jābāliḥ] 1 N. of the author of a law-book.
जाबालि n. विश्वामित्र का पुत्र ।
N. N. of an infidel Brāhmana, a priest of king Dasaratha who tried to dissuade Rāma from his resolution of going to the forest and to induce him to accept the throne offered by Bharata.
जाबालि m. m.
patr. fr. जबाल ([Pāṇ. 2-4, 58] , Vārtt. 1, [Pat.] ), N. of an ancient sage (author of a law-book, [PadmaP.] ; [Mn. iv, 82/83] ), [MBh. iii, 8265; xiii, 254] ; [VarBṛS. vlii] ; [Kād.]
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