शो [śō] 4 P. (श्यति, शात or शित, pass. शायते; Caus. शाययति; desid. शिशासति)
To sharpen, whet.
To make thin, attenuate.
शो (
cf. √ 1.शि) cl. 3. Ā. P. शिशाति, शि॑शीते (accord to, [Dhātup. xxvi, 36] also cl. 4. P. श्यतिcf. नि-√ शो; pf. शशौGr. ; p. शशान॑, [AV.] ; aor. अशीतcf. सं-√ शो; अशात् or अशासीत्Gr. ; Prec. शायात्, ib.; fut. शाता, शाश्यति, ib.; ind. शा॑य, [AV.] ), to whet, sharpen (Ā. ‘one's own’ weapons or horns), [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [Hariv.] : Pass. शायतेGr. : Caus. शाययति, ib.; Desid. शिशासति, ib. : Intens. शाशायते, शशेति, शाशाति, ib. [? cf. Gk. ἀκή &c.]
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