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   { ajamukhī (ajāmukhī) }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English
AJAMUKHĪ (AJĀMUKHĪ)   1. Genealogy. Descended from Viṣṇu thus: Brahmā- Marīci-Kaśyapa-Ajāmukhī.
2) Birth
Long ago in the battle between Devas and Asuras one of the routed Asuras had fled to Pātāla (Hell). Surasā was his daughter. Brahmā's grandson, Kaśyapa married Surasā. She gave birth to six children--Śūrapadmā, Siṁhikā, Siṁhavaktra, Tārakāsura, Ajāmukhī, and Gomukha. The Asura woman Ajāmukhī is one of them.
3) Chief events.
(1) Marriage with Durvāsas.
Once Śūrapadmā called his two brothers, Siṁhavaktra and Tārakāsura and ordered them to set up two cities, one to the north and the other to the south, of Mahāmeru. In obedience to his elder brother, Tārakāsura started with one half of the army and set up a city to the south of Mahāmeru. That city was named Māyāpura. Siṁhavaktra lived in the city on the northern side of Mahāmeru. Their sister Ajāmukhī went about enticing men to satisfy her lustful passion. Once, in the course of her wanderings, she met Durvāsas in the Himālayan valley. They fell in love and even married. The two Asuras, Ilvala and Vātāpi were born from their union. They insisted on sharing their father's achievements between them. Durvāsas cursed them that they would die at the hands of Agastya. [Skanda Purāṇa, Asura Kāṇḍa] .
(2) The cutting off of Ajāmukhī's hands.
While wandering with her lustful passion, Ajāmukhī once went to the Śiva temple at Kāśi. There she happened to meet Indra's wife, Śacīdevī. In order to give her to her brother, Śūrapadmā, Ajāmukhī caught hold of Śacīdevī. Śacīdevī screamed aloud. Suddenly Śiva appeared there with His sword. Even then Ajāmukhī refused to release Śacīdevī. Śiva rescued Indrāṇī (Śacīdevī) by cutting off Ajāmukhī's hands. Hearing this, Śūrapadmā sent his army and imprisoned the Devas. The imprisoend Brahmā at the instance of Śūrapadmā, restored Ajamukhī's hands. Śūrapadmā's son, Bhānugopa fought against the remaining Devas and defeated them. [Skanda Purāṇa, Asura Kāṇḍa] .


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English
अज—मुखी  f. f.N. of a राक्षसी.
अज मुखी

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अजमुखी   હિલાલ્ શુક્લ પક્ષની શરુના ત્રણ-ચાર દિવસનો મુખ્યત   ନବୀକରଣଯୋଗ୍ୟ ନୂଆ ବା   વાહિની લોકોનો એ સમૂહ જેની પાસે પ્રભાવી કાર્યો કરવાની શક્તિ કે   સર્જરી એ શાસ્ત્ર જેમાં શરીરના   ન્યાસલેખ તે પાત્ર કે કાગળ જેમાં કોઇ વસ્તુને   બખૂબી સારી રીતે:"તેણે પોતાની જવાબદારી   ਆੜਤੀ ਅਪੂਰਨ ਨੂੰ ਪੂਰਨ ਕਰਨ ਵਾਲਾ   బొప్పాయిచెట్టు. అది ఒక   लोरसोर जायै जाय फेंजानाय नङा एबा जाय गंग्लायथाव नङा:"सिकन्दरनि खाथियाव पोरसा गोरा जायो   आनाव सोरनिबा बिजिरनायाव बिनि बिमानि फिसाजो एबा मादै   भाजप भाजपाची मजुरी:"पसरकार रोटयांची भाजणी म्हूण धा रुपया मागता   नागरिकता कुनै स्थान   ३।। कोटी      ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔   ۔گوڑ سنکرمن      0      00   ૦૦   ୦୦   000   ০০০   ૦૦૦   ୦୦୦   00000   ০০০০০   0000000   00000000000   00000000000000000   000 பில்லியன்   000 மனித ஆண்டுகள்   1                  1/16 ರೂಪಾಯಿ   1/20   1/3   ૧।।   10   १०   ১০   ੧੦   ૧૦   ୧୦   ൧൦   100   ۱٠٠   १००   ১০০   ੧੦੦   ૧૦૦   ୧୦୦   1000   १०००   ১০০০   ੧੦੦੦   ૧૦૦૦   ୧୦୦୦   10000   १००००   ১০০০০   ੧੦੦੦੦   ૧૦૦૦૦   ୧୦୦୦୦   100000   ۱٠٠٠٠٠   १०००००   ১০০০০০   ੧੦੦੦੦੦   ૧૦૦૦૦૦   1000000   १००००००   ১০০০০০০   ੧੦੦੦੦੦੦   ૧૦૦૦૦૦૦   ୧୦୦୦୦୦୦   10000000   १०००००००   ১০০০০০০০   ੧੦੦੦੦੦੦੦   ૧૦૦૦૦000   ૧૦૦૦૦૦૦૦   ୧୦୦୦୦୦୦୦   100000000   १००००००००   ১০০০০০০০০   ੧੦੦੦੦੦੦੦੦   ૧૦૦૦૦૦૦૦૦   1000000000   १०००००००००   ১০০০০০০০০০   ૧૦૦૦૦૦૦૦૦૦   ୧000000000   ୧୦୦୦୦୦୦୦୦୦   
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