Dictionaries | References अ अजहत्स्वार्था { ajahatsvārthā } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words अजहत्स्वार्था A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 अ-जहत्—स्वार्था f. f. a rhetorical figure (using a word which involves the meaning of another word previously used, as ‘white ones’ for ‘white horses’, ‘lances’ for ‘men with lances’). ROOTS:अ जहत् स्वार्था अजहत्स्वार्था The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 अजहत्स्वार्था [ajahatsvārthā] [न जहत् स्वार्थोऽत्र, हा-शतृ न. ब.] A kind of लक्षणा, in which the primary or original sense of a word (which is used elliptically) does not disappear; as कुन्ताः प्रविशन्ति = कुन्तधारिणः पुरुषाः; श्वेतो धावति = श्वेतवर्णोऽश्वो धावति; also called उपादानलक्षणा q. v.; स्वसिद्धये पराक्षेपः; कुन्ताः प्रविशन्ति, यष्टयः प्रविशन्ति इत्यादौ कुन्तादिभिरात्मन: प्रवेशसिद्ध्यर्थं स्वसंयोगिनः पुरुषा आक्षिप्यन्ते [K.P.2.] [Adhyātma Rām.7.5.27.] अजहत्स्वार्था Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 अजहत्स्वार्था f. (-र्था) A figure of speech, metonymy, one name being put for another, as ‘the spears enter’ for the spearmen.E. अ neg. जहत् leaving, स्वार्था sense. ROOTS:अ जहत् स्वार्था Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP