अद्वैत [advaita] a. a. [न. ब.]
Not dual; of one or uniform nature, equable, unchanging; ˚तं सुखदुःखयोः
[U.1.39.] Matchless, peerless, sole, only, unique.
-तम् [न. त.]
Non-duality, identity; especially that of Brahman with the universe or with the soul, or of soul and matter; See अद्वय also.
The supreme or highest truth or Brahman itself.
N. N. of an Upaniṣad; अद्वैतेन solely, without any duplicity. -Comp.
-आनन्दः (अद्वय˚)
the joy arising from a knowledge of the identity of the universe and the Supreme Spirit.
N. N. of an author and Founder of the Vaiṣṇava sect in Bengal, flourished at the close of the 15th century.
-वादिन् = अद्वयवादिन् q. v. above; a Vedāntin.