Dictionaries | References


   { adhī }
Script: Devanagari


 अ.  अगोदर , आरंभी , पहिल्याने , प्रथम , प्रारंभी , सुरवातीला ;
 अ.  तत्पूर्वी , मुळात .


मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi  Marathi |   | 
   See : पूर्वी


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अधी   (√ इ), अध्य्-ए॑ति, or अ॑ध्य्-एति (exceptionally अधी-यति, [RV. x, 32, 3] ), to turn the mind towards, observe, understand, [RV.] and, [AV.] ;
chiefly Ved. (with gen. [cf.[Pāṇ. 2-3, 52] ] or acc.) to mind, remember, care for, long for, [RV.] &c.;
to know, know by heart, [TS.] ; [ŚBr.] ; [Up.] &c.;
to go over, study, [MBh. iii, 13689] ;
to learn from (a teacher's mouth abl.), [MBh. iii, 10713] ;
to declare, teach, [ŚBr. x] ; [Up.] : Ā.अधी-ते॑ or (more rarely) अधी-यते ([Mn. iv, 125] ; Pot. 3. pl.अधी-यीरन्, [Kauś.] ; [Mn. x, 1] )
to study, learn by heart, read, recite:
Caus.अध्य्-आपयति (aor.-आपिपत्, [Pāṇ. 2-4, 51] ) to cause to read or study, teach, instruct:
Caus.Desid.अध्य्-आपिप-यिषति, to be desirous of teaching, [Pāṇ. 2-4, 51] :
Desid.अधी-षिषति, to be desirous of studying, [Pāṇ. 8-3, 61] Sch.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अधी [adhī]   [अधिं-इ] 2 A.
   To study, learn (by heart), read; (with abl. of person) learn from; आख्यातोपयोगे [P.I.4.29.] उपाध्यायादधीते Sk.; सोऽध्यैष्ट वेदान् [Bk.1.2.]
   (P.) (a) To remember, think of, long or care for, mind, (with regret) with gen.; रामस्य दयमानोऽसावध्येति तव लक्ष्मणः [Bk.8.119;18.38;] ममैवाध्येति नृपतिस्तृप्यन्निव जलाञ्जलेः [Ki.11.74] thinks of me only. (b) To know or learn by heart, study, learn; गच्छाधीहि गुरोर्मुखात् Mb. (c) To teach, declare. (d) To notice, observe, understand. (e) To meet with, obtain; तेन दीर्घममरत्वमध्यगुः । [Śi.14.31.] -Caus. [अध्यापयति] to teach, instruct (in); with acc. of the agent of the verb in the primitive sense; (तौ) साङ्गं च वेदमध्याप्य [R.15.33;] विद्यामथैनं विजयां जयां च... अध्यापिपद् गाधिसुतो यथावत् [Bk.2.21,7.34;] अध्यापितस्योशनसापि नीतिम् [Ku.3.6.]


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
   See : पठ्

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