अनिष्ट [aniṣṭa] a.
Unwished, undesirable; unfavourable, disagreeable, ill (with gen.); ध्यायत्यनिष्टं यत्किञ्चित्पाणिग्राहस्य चेतसा
[Ms.9.21] whatever ill she thinks of her husband.
Evil, forbidden.
Bad, unlucky, ominous.
Not honoured with a sacrifice.
-ष्टम् An evil, mishap, misfortune, calamity, disadvantage; a crime, offence, wrong, unwelcome thing; ˚एकबुद्धि
[Māl.8.12;] भवत्यनिष्टादपि नाम दुःसहान्मनस्विनीनां प्रतिपत्तिरीदृशी
[Ku.5.42;] ill-omen; प्रातरेव ˚दर्शनं जातम्
[H.1.] -Comp.
-अनुबन्धिन् a. a. followed by or attended with calamities; विषयोपभोगेषु ˚बन्धिषु यः सुखपुद्धिमारो- पयति
[K.155.] -आपत्तिः f. f.,
-आपादनम् getting what is not desired, an undesired occurrence.
-आशंसिन् a. a. (˚सूचक) indicating or boding ill.
-ग्रहः an evil or malignant planet.
-दुष्टधी a. a. having an evil and corrupt mind.
प्रसङ्गः an undesired occurrence.
connection with a wrong object, argument or rule.
-फलम् an evil result.-शङ्का fear of evil.
-हेतुः an evil omen.