Dictionaries | References


   { anyat }
Script: Devanagari


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अन्यत् [anyat] a.  a. (अन्य n.) Another &c. नैवास्ति लिखिताद- न्यत् स्मारकं व्यवहारिणाम् Sulhā. -ind. Again, moreover, besides &c.
   Comp. अर्थ having a different meaning.
   referring to or expressing another sense. (-र्थः) a different meaning.
-आशा   desire of something else.-आशिस् f. another's blessing.
-आस्था   devotion or attachment to another.
-उत्सुक a.  a. longing for another.-रागः attachment to another.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अन्यत्   ind. Otherwise.
   E. See the last.

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