अप्रतीत [apratīta] a.
Not pleased or delighted; को न्वनेनाप्रतीतेन (संप्रीयेत)
[Rām.2.48.2.] Unapproached; unassailable.
[Av.7.25.1.] Unopposed.
(In Rhet.) Not understood or clearly intelligible (as a word), one of the defects of a word (शब्ददोष); अप्रतीतं यत्केवले शास्त्रे प्रसिद्धम्
[K. P.7,] i. e. a word is said to be अप्रतीत if it be used in a sense which it has in particular classes of works only (and not in general or popular use); e. g. सम्यग्ज्ञानमहाज्योतिर्दलिताशयताजुषः (where आशय = वासना occurs in Yogaśāstra only).