अभिष्य [abhiṣya] स्य [sya] न्दः [ndḥ] (स्य) न्दः 1 Oozing, flowing, trickling.
Weakness of, or running at, the eyes.
Great increase, or enlargement, surplus, excess, superfluous portion; -Comp.
-वमनम्; स्वर्गाभिष्यन्दवमनं कृत्वेवोपनिवेशितम् (ओषधिप्रस्थम्) Ku.6.37 by drawing off the surplus population i. e. by emigration (अभिष्यन्दः अतिरेकः अति- रिक्तजन इति यावत् तस्य वमनं निःसारणं कृत्वा स्थितमिव); cf. also
[R.15.29] Hemachandra's remarks thereon. also स्वदेशा- भिष्यन्दवमनम्
[Kau.A.2.1.] अभिष्य [abhiṣya] स्य [sya] न्दिन् [ndin] (स्य) न्दिन् a.
Oozing, flowing, trickling,
Laxative, opening the bowels.
Causing defluxions or watery effusion. -Comp.
-रमणम् a suburb, smaller city appended to and regarded as part of a larger one; cf. शाखानगरम्.